Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 This division between planning conditions and site licence conditions highlights the need for co-operation between planners , waste disposal officers and other pollution control agencies , at a pre-planning stage wherever possible , in order to reach agreement on those conditions which are to be attached to the planning consent , and those to be attached to the site licence , thus ensuring that problems of control do not arise at a later stage .
2 The cost of unsold or unconsumed stocks will have been incurred in the expectation of future revenue , and when this will not arise until a later year it is appropriate to carry forward this cost to be matched with the revenue when it arises .
3 Joan Thirsk 's brilliant examination of these variations , region by region , illustrates this for the period from 1500 onwards ( 103 , pp.1–112 ) , and there is no reason to believe that a similar diversity did not exist at the earlier period also , although there were probably changes in detail in particular areas , such as those caused by climatic change to which allusion was made in Chapter 1 .
4 As a nurse I can not think of a healthier diet to follow and can see no disadvantages in it .
5 ‘ I am anxious that you should stay here until I return and I can not think of a better way of making sure you do than by putting you in charge of my property , ’ he explained .
6 I note in passing , however , that , when it comes to squandering the nation 's money , I can not think of a better example than the enormous amounts squandered by the Government in setting up the machinery for the administration of the poll tax , which is now to be totally unwound .
7 After the plaintiffs had failed to complete the work by that date , the defendant continued to press for delivery but , on 29 June , gave notice that , if the work was not completed within a further four weeks , he would cancel the order .
8 I also operate with the assumption that , although my results pertain strictly only to the sample of forty housewives I interviewed , there is no reason why they should not relate to the wider population of housewives , since it can not be shown that the forty women are unrepresentative of the larger population .
9 Could I say that the actual issues that go to the House of Lords do not relate to the earlier events to which the right hon. Gentleman has referred .
10 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
11 This negative element can be felt in ( 32 ) above in the fact that this sentence implies that he did not appeal to a higher court even though he could have .
12 It was nonetheless retained in the final text , as Article 11 , and extended to include any other channel of transmission not included in the earlier Articles .
13 Probably the most interesting object is the open cluster NGC 2244 , round the star 12 Monocerotis ( 5.8 ) ; it is quite easy to locate with binoculars , and I am rather surprised that it is not included in the Messier list .
14 If the standard of excellence is reasonably clear , the parties have no way of knowing that their claims may not fall before the higher social goal of maximizing perfection .
15 " A lower preference can not count against a higher preference " , say the pundits .
16 The representatives from abroad were not expected for a further two or three days , but the three gentlemen referred to by his lordship as his ‘ home team ’ — two Foreign Office ministers attending very much ‘ off the record ’ and Sir David Cardinal — had come early to prepare the ground as thoroughly as possible .
17 Hence those who take a floating charge from a company which can not be proved to be solvent , and which does not survive for a further year , can not thereby obtain protection in respect to their existing debts , but only to the extent that they provide the company with new value and thus increase the assets available for other creditors .
18 The Basle exchange too , with a turnover only a seventh that of Zurich , may not survive in the longer term if Swiss Bank Corporation , its biggest trader , decides to pull out .
19 The tendency of the subject to confirm the investigator 's expectation is not confined to the lower animals .
20 Using H-thymidine autoradiography , Deschner , Lipkin , et al have shown that in high-risk subjects , proliferating cells are not confined to the lower two thirds of the colonic crypts , as they are in normal subjects , but are scattered throughout the entire length of the gland .
21 If the monies are not claimed after a further period ( usually 6 or 12 years ) then the bidder will be released from its payment obligation and the moneys paid back to it .
22 Katherine nodded fractionally , and the butler bowed and moved silently from the room , not looking at the younger man .
23 Externally , AWCC felt that its demands were highly specific and did not benefit from a wider articulation through the North Side Leadership Conference , which it joined in 1985 .
24 However , ‘ 1929 holding companies ’ can not benefit from the lower dividend withholding tax rates provided in tax treaties or the European Community parent/subsidiary directive .
25 The satellite 's primary role is to fill in the existing picture of the heavens , revealing stars , galaxies , clouds and so on that are not seen at the shorter optical and ‘ near ’ infrared wavelengths ( less than 5 micrometres ) , or at the longer wavelengths observed by radio telescopes .
26 Rescuers said the incident was not connected with the earlier search .
27 Doubling the amount of protein present did not result in a higher level of crosslinking in the presence of NCp7 .
28 It is important that the medium used flows and fills all the air space , so that subsidence does not occur at a later date .
29 Meanwhile in a speech to the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants Sir Adrian Cadbury said the view among some critics that his committee 's proposals on non-executive directors were divisive for boards stemmed from a misunderstanding of its terms of reference which were limited to financial aspects and did not touch on the wider responsibility of all directors for general governance .
30 Yet this argument will not work with the later forces which struck deep inland .
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