Example sentences of "not [noun] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They are not reasons for the impulses but causes that hark back to the primitive responses that we share with many animals ; yet qualified by noting that we , unlike dumb brutes , can reflect upon our impulses and resist them if we so decide , as happened in my example .
2 Contracts to sell the following are therefore not contracts for the sale of specific goods : ‘ a bottle of port from the seller 's stock ’ ; or , ‘ one of the seller 's current stock of 12 bottles of port ’ ; or , ‘ 12 of the seller 's stock of 13 bottles of port . ’
3 Section 1(2) of the Act states that the following are not inventions for the purposes of the Act : ( a ) a discovery , scientific theory or mathematical method ; ( b ) a literary , dramatic , musical or artistic work or any other aesthetic creation whatsoever ; ( c ) a scheme , rule or method for performing any mental act , playing a game or doing business , or a program for a computer ; ( d ) the presentation of information ; but the foregoing provision shall prevent anything from being treated as an invention for the purposes of this Act only to the extent that a patent or application for a patent relates to that thing as such ( emphasis added )
4 Some reports suggested a death toll as high as 150-200 in Mali and perhaps twice that number in Niger , in what was increasingly described as a separatist rebellion , although other reports suggested that in Mali at least the objective of anti-government elements was not independence for the north-east but the overthrow of the government in Bamako .
5 Leaving out the copula ( to be ) , using double negative , interchanging subjective and objective pronouns ( he and him ) can all be shown to be rule governed and consistent dialect practices , not evidence for an inability to express logical relations as Greenfield and some of the writers she cites had claimed ( 1972 , p. 173 ) .
6 This difficulty in the court 's approach was addressed by Scott J in Balston Ltd v Headline Fitters Ltd [ 1987 ] FSR 330 who stated that Faccenda was not authority for the proposition that confidential information that could not be protected by an implied term ipso facto could not be protected by express agreement .
7 ‘ Méthode champenoise ’ wines are sparkling wines that have been made in exactly the same way as Champagne , but do not quality for the name because they 're not made in the Champagne region .
8 Mr Jimmy Knapp , general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen , said what mattered was policies not personalities for the railways .
9 Going down , if not stop for the thing .
10 In a properly organized political community the state exists for society and not society for the state ; yet , however socially advanced a people may be , the society which it constitutes made up of families , clubs , churches , trade unions , etc. — is not to be trusted to maintain itself without the ultimate arbitrament of force .
11 And it was not Marxism for a number of reasons and this is almost certainly going to be very controversial so I hope that it will feed discussion in the , in the second half .
12 Although , the rule of the clock affected most people in the sixteenth century far less than it does us today , it was already sufficient to provoke Brother Jean in the Gargantua ( 1535 ) of Rabelais to complain that ‘ the hours are made for man and not man for the hours ! ’
13 His theme was Christ 's defiance of the Pharisees and his view that the sabbath was made for man , not man for the sabbath .
14 Pastor Hans Simon preached on the unlikely text that the Sabbath was made for man , not man for the Sabbath .
15 the Sabbath was made for the sake of man and not man for the Sabbath ( Mark 2:27 ) .
16 Not dash for the television cameras .
17 Gagnon and Simon in their book Sexual Conduct have suggested that ‘ Social roles are not vehicles for the expression of sexual impulse …
18 The court held , however , that confidential information , i.e. the questions on the paper , was not property for the purpose of the Theft Act .
19 However , Oxford v Moss , above , held that confidential information such as exam questions is not property for the purposes of the Theft Act .
20 These tasty little snacks make brilliant finger foods or stylish not appetizers for a party .
21 In the Old Testament economy the poor tithe , the gleaning laws , the prohibition on usury were not options for the Jews .
22 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
23 Is it not time for an initiative to make local authorities hand over their property to housing associations , and could regional ombudsman be set up for that purpose ?
24 Editor , — Is it not time for the BMJ to set the same standards for the drug advertisements it carries as it does for scientific papers ?
25 ‘ It is not time for the kidneys , ’ shouted Auguste .
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