Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 But there is no question so difficult that Mr Kinnock can not think of a more difficult answer .
2 I can not think of a more patsy , unquestioning system better designed to produce the cosy relationship about which the hon. Gentleman so frequently speaks .
3 If workers are given jobs for life or if their wages are linked to age and seniority does this not make for a much less flexible labour market ?
4 We 're not soddin' about no more with rubbish like that ! ’
5 The tax was not to fall upon the very poor : only those with incomes of £2 per annum or goods of £3. 6s. 8d. were to be approached .
6 Among the eight with stage I disease , five had tumoural involvement of the stomach which would have required total gastrectomy , a procedure with a high morbidity rate and one that is not justified with a well tolerated , slowly progressing disease .
7 Whereas Wertheim has Seurat charcoals and an oil ‘ Study for La Grande Jatte ’ , Paley has important oils by Derain , as well as Cubist pictures by Picasso , Gris , and Braque that were sufficiently abstract not to appeal to the more traditional Wertheim .
8 And she believed the whales would remain at Laspi Bay at least for the summer , and had not heard of the widely criticised plans to take them on a travelling display .
9 In Latin America , the supporters of Spalding 's view would argue that the working class has not developed into a fully fledged class for itself .
10 If the resist is not exposed for a long enough period , it will not develop fully and so some traces will remain on the board .
11 The imbalances and strains occasioned by the change of economic policy were not limited to the strictly economic areas , but also spilled over into the social and political spheres .
12 As the Joyce example shows , this foregrounding is not limited to the more obvious poetic devices , such as metaphor and alliteration .
13 An egoist who tries to ground his ethic in ‘ Be aware ’ would have to break down the analogy between personal and other viewpoints ; and to do so he could not appeal to the most obvious difference , that while ‘ here ’ and ‘ there ’ are exchanged by the agent 's movements , and ‘ now ’ is continuously changing into ‘ then ’ , he remains to himself unalterably ‘ I ’ .
14 For the real Earth , it ignores factors crucial to climate not included in the somewhat simplistic climate sensitivity appropriate to CO 2 increases .
15 Whatever the origins of the present crisis , does he agree that the brunt should not fall on the most vulnerable in the community — the elderly , the handicapped and school children ?
16 The loss should not fall on the totally innocent taxpayer whose only fault is that it paid what the legislature improperly said was due .
17 Yet ironically , recent government policies have created a situation where more and more prisoners serving life and other long sentences have rather less to lose , for it has now been decreed that various categories of serious offender will not normally be considered for parole , or not considered for a very long time ( see Chapter 6 ) .
18 Such memory differences appear instead to be limited to the single arousing item and not appear for the immediately following ones although general physiological arousal would be expected to still be present .
19 We may also include in discourse deixis a number of other ways in which an utterance signals its relation to surrounding text , e.g. utterance-initial anyway seems to indicate that the utterance that contains it is not addressed to the immediately preceding discourse , but to one or more steps back .
20 Manuel Salgado , the interim president of the Ecuadorian Congress , currently visiting Cuba , stated that it showed that " US governing circles have not modified in the least their imperial policies , which dream of a unipolar world rooted in subjugation and slavery " .
21 The zebra loach has become so specialized that it can not survive in a less turbulent environment .
22 Also , even bureaucrats , those Weberian embodiments of modernity , do not behave in a purely rational-legal manner , we shall find .
23 The scheme did not focus on the mentally frail ; although a quarter of the cases involved some confusion or disorientation , only three per cent involved severe confusion .
24 You came into the chamber , you were not looking for an almost invisible line of thread running from your bed underneath the door .
25 In common parlance ‘ the Crown ’ probably signifies the monarch if , indeed , it does not refer to a rather elaborate piece of headgear on show in the Tower of London .
26 She was not prepared for a very similar question being thrown at her .
27 The inflation in the early stages of the universe , which the no boundary proposal predicts , means that the universe must be expanding at very close to the critical rate at which it would just avoid recollapse , and so will not recollapse for a very long time .
28 Only if it is taken for granted that the preference behaviour is that of a conscious subject , does it , of itself , provide a reason for promoting the preferred end , — it would not matter in the least if there was no conscious individual there to mind about anything .
29 The capacity to show habituation , he observed , occurs relatively early on in the development of the baby Aplysia , while sensitization does not appear until a relatively late stage .
30 16:14 , Judg. 9:23 , I Kgs. 22:21 ) ; later they are personalised in Satan , whose name does not appear before the rather late books of I Chronicles ( 21 : 1ff ) , Job ( 1 : 6ff ) and Zechariah ( 3:1ff ) .
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