Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 By the Tuesday of the first week , Cassie knew that she could not stay at Rose Cottage any longer .
2 Conservation safeguards exist in the UK , particularly for SSSIs and , to a lesser extent ( under a voluntary arrangement ) in the National Parks of England and Wales , but such afforestation Proposals outside designated areas would not be subject to any significant level of control , particularly because prior approval does not exist for grant aid .
3 Of course this must be tentative : records do not exist of Zuwaya organization and ideology two centuries ago .
4 ( People may well not think of mail order as a form of credit at all . )
5 You may not think of Prestwick Airport as a great landmark in rock n roll history but it was where Elvis Presley made his one and only visit to Britain .
6 I think it dawned on him then for the first time that there were two streams , and that the pond was not formed by Burden Creek .
7 With one exception previous studies of acute renal failure were renal unit based and did not include those patients who were not referred for specialist opinion .
8 This study shows that some patients are not referred for specialist opinion , the shortfall being mainly among elderly people .
9 This was not calculated for sleep position and breast feeding because of the similar exposure distribution of these two variables among Maori children and their controls ( table IV ) .
10 In one of these three patients the bleeding started in another ulcer not seen during the first endoscopy and therefore not treated with heater probe .
11 Whenever a specific sanction is not prescribed by Community Law , it is left to the discretion of the Member States to choose among the different solutions suitable to achieve the objective of the provision infringed .
12 Immunoprecipitation experiments with monoclonal antibodies against α subunits showed that this pre-α band mainly contains the smaller forms of α 3 and α v chains , whereas the molecular weight of the α 2 chain is not altered by DMJ treatment ( data not shown ) .
13 Expression of the α v chain mediating adhesion of fibronectin was not altered by DMJ treatment but was reduced to 53% by DNJ .
14 The overall mortality reduction in the five included community studies ( fig 1 ) was highly significant , both statistically ( two tailed p<0.0000001 ) and clinically : a common odds ratio of 0.70 ( 0.62 to 0.79 ; confidence interval not adjusted for cluster design of community studies ) indicating a risk reduction of 30% — that is , a reduction of about a third in mortality from all causes .
15 He had not adjusted to prison life as Nehru was able to do ; he had found it ‘ a shattering experience ’ .
16 It was not intended as music fur dancing .
17 Plastics not intended for food use vary : some may leach dye into the water , and some can be toxic .
18 Quite a lot of young girls , however , choose not to sue for child maintenance .
19 He was ordered not to sit at Newcastle Crown Court while her claims were investigated .
20 ( Today no one would dare propose such a thing , even purely as a thought experiment , but in Schrödinger 's time they had not heard of animal liberation . )
21 ‘ Have you not heard of Resenence Jeopardy ? ’ she 'd asked him on the first day of their acquaintance .
22 The local postman had not heard of John Thaw .
23 Have not heard from Gwent Branch Secretary and wants to know if they have got the correct address ( they have ) .
24 Certainly the general belief was that , having wantonly thrown away a Conservative majority , Baldwin could not remain as Party leader let alone Prime Minister ; and Randolph Churchill , the biographer of Lord Derby , comments that ‘ It is interesting to notice in Derby 's correspondence , and in that of other leading Tories of the time , how for the first two or three weeks after the Party 's defeat in the Election there was an unchallenged assumption that Baldwin could not survive the catastrophe . ’
25 Deciduous trees appear less affected than conifers , partly because they offer a smaller area of foliage , and partly because they shed their leaves each autumn and hence are not exposed to air pollution for such a long time as conifers .
26 Last week the UK Department of Health confirmed its earlier recommendations that the risk of cot death is reduced if infants are laid to sleep on their backs , if they are not exposed to cigarette smoke before or after birth , and if they are not overwrapped or overheated , especially when feverish or unwell .
27 It is recognised that full configuration control of software is not limited to source code and that it is desirable to control the whole environment in which the target machine-code is produced .
28 In Offe 's work ( see Keane , 1984 ) , the origins of the contradictions of the welfare state in late capitalism are not located in class struggle , but in conflicts among the subsystems of socialization , economy and the state in late capitalism .
29 Their achievements , such as wage rises and the setting of minimum wage levels , were not won through class struggle , but received as favours from local government in the expectation of their political support in return .
30 Johnny had not come to Rose Cottage during those last days of term .
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