Example sentences of "this has a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has a Baltic style decorated brick , stepped gable façade ( 567 ) .
2 This has a similar effect and you will begin to grow drowsy and relaxed as the hypnotherapist speaks to you .
3 This has a certain ring to it , but apparently it is not entirely accurate .
4 ( This has a certain similarity to Carol Gilligan 's argument about moral reasoning , which I mentioned in Chapter 3 . )
5 Thus the objectors would want to say that it is a " religiously " true statement that God raised Jesus from the dead , and this has a spiritual meaning ; but that on the level of history , Jesus died and remained dead and buried .
6 To the Welsh , this has a familiar ring .
7 This has a stratifying effect , keeping aspiring pilots stuck in their present market sector — not too bad for those still gaining useful experience on commuter operations and keeping their licences current , but a doubly hard blow for newly-qualified CPL/IR hopefuls who are unable to find any kind of commercial flying employment .
8 At least , this has a surreal daftness .
9 But this has a good balance .
10 Conrad ( 1971 ) has shown that this has a developmental pattern and Baddeley ( 1979 ) has linked it to the development of reading .
11 This has a singular effect in travelling through the country : the eye seems ever on the verge of a forest which is as it were by enchantment continually changing into inclosures and hedgerows .
12 The volume of the ocean basins has fluctuated over time and this has a great influence over virtually every other life-generating and sustaining force ever discovered .
13 It seems a more unlikely plant than most to be a herb , but the whole of it , leaves , stems etc. , consist of about 30 per cent mucilage , and this has a great number of medicinal applications , known for many centuries .
14 This has a surprising number of advantages , beyond the obvious saving of paper , though there are disadvantages too .
15 In some of these cases the company may be the market leader , that is to say it has the largest single share of the market and because of this has a major influence on market prices and product design .
16 However , few would argue that this has a determining influence on the size of the public sector or that such a diversity of actors can he described as a single ‘ elite ’ Rather , authors such as the US Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental relations and Rose and Peters in Britain tend to stress the plurality of causes of growth in public expenditure .
17 This has a threefold effect ; it is to fight a spiritual battle and to proclaim the authority of Jesus in a new area .
18 As in the residential housing market this has a knock-on effect on the saleability of larger properties . ’
19 erm This has a knock-on effect insofar as if they 've once given up the physical sciences , then it means that they 've given up all hopes , when they leave school , of following a , a job or a profession , of courses in further or higher education , in technological , engineering subjects .
20 Again the Council stressed that the Church itself in consequence of all this has a sacramental character : it too is the ‘ sacrament of salvation ’ .
21 As Jenkins and Troyna ( and other contributors ) have pointed out ( in Troyna and Smith ( eds ) , 1983 ) , this has a particular impact upon ethnic minority groups .
22 This has a histological appearance identical with that of condyloma acuminatum ( a genital lesion ) , even to the extent of presenting ideas of koilocytosis among the squamous cells , indicating infection with human papillomavirus .
23 We will assume for the time being that this has a well-defined minimum .
24 This has a methodological implication as well : all too often it is assumed that Foucault 's stress on disruption can be taken as equivalent to randomness , as we have seen with Perry Anderson .
25 This has a fine site , surmounting a hill in a park overlooking the busy , central Piata Unirii .
26 This has a fine sponge pad and Ehfi-substrat Groß , followed by activated carbon .
27 This has a clear relationship with Pius XI 's teaching , eight years earlier on the same subject : ‘ the very fountainhead from which the State draws its life , namely , wedlock and the family ’ ( 1929 : 14 ) , and with the dispositions of the then current Code of Canon Law which had come into effect in 1917 : ‘ The marriage of baptized persons is governed not only by divine law but also by church law .
28 This has a dual benefit in that : ( a ) the increase in value should not be caught by the unapproved share schemes legislation because it derives from entrenched rights of the ratchet variety described above ; and ( b ) it provides a justification for the managers paying less per share than the institutions at the outset , since the ratchet characteristics of the shares , and the possibility that Newco may never achieve the profitability targets , would be relevant in valuing that class of shares .
29 This has a reciprocal impact .
30 Although this has a militant reputation , the abbess is a Chinese appointee and nuns have been known to climb out of windows to take part in the demonstrations .
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