Example sentences of "this was [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was made up of the organic residues of farms , forestry , industry and domestic refuse .
2 This was made up of a £621,800 increase in the specific provision and a reduction of £98,000 in the general provision against residential property , and a £4,740 increase in the specific provision against unsecured loans .
3 This was made up of £3.5m from 1990–1 and £7m from 1991–2 .
4 The number of statistical staff at the 650 was indeed cut by about a third , but as the Pickford report points out , this was made up for by greater use of computers .
5 This was made up by the Head Girl mixing together oxide of zinc , glycerine , rosewater , a touch of yellow ochre and methylated spirits , the latter helping to dry it on the legs .
6 In order , therefore , to make absolutely certain that the manufactured parts were always ready and on hand , and further , that there was a sufficiency of raw materials and parts in all stages of completion , some form of stocktaking was necessary , and this was kept up to date day-to-day , and even hour-by-hour .
7 Shortly afterwards came the Chronica Gentis Scottorum of John of Fordun , again stressing the achievements of the Scots , and the villainy of Edward I. This was followed up in the early fifteenth century by the verse chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun , prior of Lochleven .
8 This was followed up by joint guidelines on the nursing management of people infected with HIV ( ICN/WHO 1988 ) , and WHO declared December 1 , 1988 , a World AIDS Day to heighten awareness about the disease , and to provide information , as opposed to myth and rumour , about its spread and means of containment .
9 This was followed up by a deputation to the governors on 10 June 1840 , led by Thomas Turner .
10 And this was followed up by a point-blank refusal to deal with Fells 's next query .
11 This was propped up against the body , on the front doorstep . ’
12 This was hooked up to a DC-2031 cached IDE host adaptor with 2Mb of RAM .
13 Capital investment in Belorussian industry , centred on Smolensk , was only 485,000 roubles in 1922 , but this was stepped up by 271 per cent in 1923 .
14 All this was mixed up with the newspapers and the money .
15 This was concealed up to now by a few intuitive master strokes , the lucky results of risks that were in themselves unjustified , and the short-comings of our enemies .
16 Its supporting declaration called for the creation of " independent organs of struggle based on the factories " , and this was taken up at the Workers Charter Convention held in Bermondsey on 12 April 1931 .
17 Allon advocated the use of chanting but this was taken up by few chapels ; the much greater growth lay in the use of hymns .
18 This was taken up by local historians as an opportunity to highlight the indignity committed against the town and to use that as an excuse for Stamford 's embarrassing decline into a small provincial town the ‘ sleepy hollow ’ backwater of the nineteenth century .
19 This was taken up by the Economic Section of the Cabinet ( under Meade ) which devised the Economic Survey : the expected level of output for the following year was predicted on the basis of the estimated changes over the present year in individual sectors of the economy .
20 and this was taken up in like folds but the plait stood away from the head , it sort of come out
21 Soon another change came as wrights and blacksmiths began to work locally and this was speeded up by the coming of industry attracted by the water power of the Water of Leith .
22 This was backed up with a mountain of sweetcorn ( from the local cash and carry ) .
23 This was backed up by the famous John Peel Festive Fifty which was embarrassingly dominated by the band .
24 This was backed up by articles in magazines and newspapers showing the housewife how to preserve fruit , salt beans , make pickles , chutneys , vinegars and sauces .
25 This was backed up by each board being sent this material as the board was established .
26 The following drill shows how this was set up for ( simplified ) Basari ( Togo ) : Once these simple drills are mastered then the noun phrase in the object slot could be expanded by the addition of one modifier at a time and drilled until all modifiers which may be affixed for concord with the noun have been drilled .
27 This was set up on 10 February in Dresden when delegates from Russia and Germany held their first joint session to discuss the restitution of art treasures missing since World War II .
28 This was set up by a Henley member , the late Stephen Bertram , who lost his left arm in the Second War and who joined the Society in 1955 .
29 This was set up by the Fair Trade Foundation which you were asking about , .
30 This was set up in 1972 to cope with the fact that , in the words of the director of the regional organization'
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