Example sentences of "this is that [noun] [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 What is strange about this is that phonemes are no more than elements of meaning but kinship terms also represent real relationships lived by people .
2 The reason for this is that women are forced to carry on the main productive activity by themselves because of their subjection .
3 The consequence of this is that women are feared because they are seen to be sexually aggressive , and relations with men are spoiled because a close tie to them , which might otherwise constitute a conflict-free alternative nevertheless connotes a parallel threat of passive dependency .
4 The reason for this is that students are not a homogeneous category .
5 This is that students are expected to respond in a subjective and emotional way to texts ; yet they must also accept the ‘ objective ’ judgement of the canon .
6 The reason for this is that ramparts are normally of dump construction , consisting of spoil from the ditches cast inwards to form the bank .
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