Example sentences of "this be a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for this are a political philosophy of increasing private provision coupled with changes in the funding arrangements for those entering residential care , specifically the introduction of supplementary benefit payments to those unable to afford the fees at private homes .
2 Programs such as this are an invaluable source of information and can be used time and time again .
3 At last lie spoke : " Would n't this be a great location for a cigar commercial ? " .
4 Let this be a simple token of our friendship , neh ? ’
5 Would n't this be a perfect place to write a book ? ’
6 If no loss has been suffered by the client , and the matter resolved as soon as spotted , why should this be a disciplinary matter , reported to all and sundry ?
7 Will this be a good idea for you , the policyholder ?
8 Erm also the accountant you could 've tried to of got round because you were , you were digging the hole there erm you know where he 's , okay he wants to see the accountant , will this be a good idea I mean you could 've said yeah you know you appreciate that and all the rest of it and you could 've gone more into the tax side of where you , you know , you could 've perhaps er the company could 've benefited by putting some into the pension scheme as opposed erm paying all the taxes maybe you could 've gone in that way .
9 Something struck me , would this be a good idea for an outing .
10 But I wake up begging : ‘ Please , please , let this be a normal day . ’
11 ‘ I 've done modelling before — will this be a funny shot of me ? ’
12 Would this be a safe investment for , say , £3,000 ?
13 But how can this be a realistic demand in an institution which condemns any physical pleasure outwith marriage — for heterosexuals as well as homosexuals ?
14 Not only would this be a post-war record rate of growth if it were achieved , it would have to occur in the face of a worldwide recession .
15 Would this be an opportune time to suggest a move to help reduce the fragmentation of the industry ?
16 Not only would this be an effective riposte — ‘ Touché , ’ he might validly say on his release — but he would be safe in the reassuring knowledge that he need no longer worry about testicular cancer .
17 Could this be an old hippie pratfall ?
18 She seemed to regret its disappearance and looked at the chalk outline marked by Massingham on the floor as if this were a poor substitute for the real thing .
19 If this were a simple conflict between attack and escape , it would have led to threat displays .
20 If this were a serious move to protect the environment from fuel pollution , then the Government would have been rather more convincing were it to use the new VAT revenue for a national programme of home insulation .
21 How , if this were a complete picture of the League 's activities , did it survive at all ?
22 No , no , not that one , Doug , this were a big woman , were n't she ?
23 And accordingly they treat it , as if , in the present age , this were an agreed point , among all people of discernment ; and nothing remained , but to set it up as a principal subject of mirth and ridicule , as it were by way of reprisals , for its having so long interrupted the pleasures of the world .
24 If this were an isolated case , it might simply be put down to an individual health authority overreacting to public embarrassment .
25 Constraints upon historians tightened , one symptom of this being a sharp decline in the number of scholars entering the profession and in the output of new books and articles on the revolution in the early 1980s .
26 The two essays , accordingly , reveal Wagner 's influence on Nietzsche and equally his own debt to him — one unmistakable sign of this being a casual allusion in The Destiny of Opera to the Apolline-Dionysiac polarity as to a pre-existing conceptual entity .
27 They are driven in anti- phase and their magnet assemblies are coupled together with a forcecancelling metal rod which inhibits the transmission of unwanted energy into the structure of the enclosure itself , this being a primary cause of coloration with many conventional loudspeakers .
28 But the committee removed key sentences which suggested that flaws in the experiment might have resulted in this being a serious underestimate .
29 This being a self-acting incline the empty trucks were dragged up by the full ones , the long chain or rope to which they were linked , passing , of course , around the sheaved wheel the stanchions for which are still to be seen .
30 In addition , there were over ten deaf children resulting from deaf intermarriages , and only two or three from a marriage of a deaf person to a hearing person — this being a deaf mother married to a hearing man , and the deaf mother 's father was also deaf .
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