Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [prep] the house " in BNC.

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1 I take no pleasure in bringing this case before the House , although his example may well prove a catalyst to bring help to fellow sufferers .
2 It occurred in the Foreign Office and the Foreign Office , and I personally take full responsibility for it this afternoon before the House .
3 ‘ Well , if she has a relative here , you wo n't find him in this part of the house .
4 Most of the decor in this part of the house was modelled after Hollywood 's idea of elaborate period furnishings .
5 With no concession to comfort and the two thrones under a silk canopy , the room suggests that in this part of the house at least Lutyens was designing a miniature royal palace .
6 ‘ I do n't live in this part of the house , ’ said Julius .
7 ‘ Mrs Porter uses it or this small room off it , just here , as a sitting-room occasionally , but she does n't live in , so you would virtually have the run of this part of the house . ’
8 The House and , indeed , the nursing profession are indebted to my hon. Friend , who pioneered this measure in the House .
9 One view which can be taken in the light of this decision of the House of Lords is that it is unsafe to rely upon Junior Books as establishing any general principle of liability , a view which accords with the recent decisions of the House of Lords in Caparo v. Dickman and Murphy v. Brentwood DC .
10 A remarkable feature of this decision of the House of Lords was that it was based on almost no judicial authority at all .
11 Senate amendments replaced this with a two-tiered formula guaranteeing a minimum of 13 weeks and allowed unemployed workers in every state to qualify for extended benefits retroactive to March 1 ( 18 states were excluded from this provision in the House bill ) .
12 Most allegations of breach of privilege or contempt end there , but if it appears to the Speaker that there has been a prima facie breach of privilege , the matter will be referred to the Committee of Privileges , the function of which is to receive evidence , determine whether , in its view , a breach or contempt has occurred and , if so , report to this effect to the House with any recommendations thought fit .
13 The small bi-plane wobbled over the oaks and the elms , banked at the north end of the ha-ha and started to descend towards the huge lawn which ran , treeless along this side of the house between terrace and park .
14 He reminded the House that the police had been given forty-eight hours notification of the proposed route : ‘ Honourable members on this side of the House who in this respect are charging him [ Paisley ] with gross civic and social irresponsibility must also charge the police with exactly the same thing . ’
15 It was much darker on this side of the house .
16 On this side of the house the traffic from the main road could not be heard .
17 If the Secretary of State believes that he can get rid of tariffs , why does he support the Common Market , now known as the European Community — that big business club which is essentially a conspiracy against the working class and is certainly not wholeheartedly supported on this side of the House ?
18 I am sure that not only hon. Members on this side of the House but the majority of people in this country wish my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and my other right hon. Friends well in their very important negotiations in Maastricht .
19 As ever , the hon. Gentleman takes a great interest in hon. Members this side of the House , but I suppose that from his point of view it is a receding problem .
20 On this side of the House and , I suspect , on many parts of the Opposition Benches there is equal recognition , although unspoken , that those who do not have such a well-founded fear , some other compelling compassionate reason which justifies their remaining or another legitimate claim to stay , should return to their country .
21 On his discussions with Front-Bench Members , in the absence of a commitment to a referendum , will he ensure that , at least on this side of the House , there is a free vote ?
22 A good aspect of the debate , especially on this side of the House , has been the positive attitude towards the training and enterprise councils .
23 Will my right hon. Friend accept that no hon. Member on this side of the House and , if they can leave aside party politicking for a moment , no hon. Member on the Opposition Benches , would believe that my right hon. Friend was capable of flouting the law — — as has been suggested , either in his personal capacity , or , still less , as a holder of one of the great offices of State ?
24 Does my right hon. Friend accept that he has considerable sympathy on this side of the House and in the country , especially as there is now some doubt about whether the judge had the power to make the order that he made ?
25 We on this side of the House agree with much of what the hon. Member for Oxford , East ( Mr. Smith ) said .
26 We on this side of the House will continue to propose and to support policies which give practical effect to the hope for a new and durable world order of peace , liberty , and prosperity which was expressed again at the United Nations last week .
27 I think Mr Chairman that the r the budget that has been put to all by this side of the house should be supported and I sincerely hope that er we will get support from others in this Council Chamber .
28 No I think white for here is best cos the sun is quite I mean you get quite a lot of sun do n't you on on on this side of the house .
29 Mr Deputy Speaker we on this side of the house believed then , as the bill went through committee and still believe today , that there was time had the government been more efficient in the organisation of its parliamentary business , for proper public inquiries to have been held .
30 On this side of the house we believe that if people are to have confidence in our democratic system then they need to be sure that the electoral boundaries on which our system operates , are beyond reproach .
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