Example sentences of "this [was/were] [adv] [art] case " in BNC.

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1 For if this were really the case , a communicative approach would have little or nothing to commend it .
2 The late Hans Keller , the most peppery and venerable writer on music since George Bernard Shaw , dearly wished that this were still the case .
3 This was also the case around the turn of the century , when the emerging labour movement often used local political activity in particular strongholds such as East London and Sheffield to promote its aims and objectives long before it reached the national political stage .
4 This was also the case when external or internal politics , rather than commercial performance , seemed to be becoming a yardstick in financial allocations between Boards .
5 This was also the case with products whose instructions did n't recommend machine washing .
6 It emerged that in the magistrates ' courts the distribution of sentences did not differ greatly between Blacks and Whites , and this was also the case in the Crown Court .
7 This was also the case when we asked about whether the police discri-minated against certain groups , two-thirds of Blacks and Whites believing this but only about one-third of Asians .
8 This was also the case in Cuba , where Fidel Castro led his 26 July guerrilla movement to power in 1959 and declared his formal adherence to Marxism-Leninism in 1961 .
9 This was also the case with the housekeeper , Elizabeth Hinson , who had looked after the Vicarage and who died in a nursing home about a year before these lines were written .
10 It was subsequently shown that this was also the case for intestinal secretion caused by the heat stable enterotoxin from Escherichia coli , certain bile salts , ricinoleic acid , serotonin , and prostaglandin E 2 ( for reviews consult Lundgren et al and Jodal ) .
11 This was also the case for three other enzymes , epoxide hydrolase , glutathione S-transferase α , and glutathione S-transferase π , where all the tumours showed positive immunoreactivity .
12 This was also the case where contributory negligence was established before 1945 .
13 A small number of comments were not coded , this was generally the case when a comment did not refer to any potential or actual driving event , for example ‘ Have to remain vigilant ’ or ‘ Maintaining a steady speed ’ .
14 In Madrid , the new government of General Prim was equally aware that their actions would need to avoid giving offence to France and that this was particularly the case when it came to choosing a new monarch to replace the dethroned Isabella .
15 This was particularly the case with sociological theories where such judgements were , inevitably , politically loaded .
16 This was particularly the case with Williamson who used the vehicle of his vast epic The Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight to develop his most mature insights into the nature of the war .
17 This was particularly the case after the first oil crisis when the Euro-currency market may have responded too easily to the financing needs of some countries , effectively building up problems for the future .
18 This was particularly the case with patients who had been given methadone reduction over a relatively long period of time , say two to three months .
19 This was particularly the case amongst many of the female students , several of whom expressed anxiety about handling machinery or breaking expensive equipment ( unlike Paul , who was able to make jokes about it ) :
20 This was particularly the case when Marcia Williams , having been powerfully lobbied by Arnold Wesker , was determined to persuade Harold Wilson to bestow some extra support on ‘ Centre 42 ’ , which was Wesker 's notion of an organisation to supervise the growth of the arts in this country .
21 This was particularly the case where the occupational community provided him with a rural counter-culture that enabled class antagonisms to be sustained , albeit in a hidden form .
22 This was particularly the case after the extinction of the patriarchate of Peć in 1766 .
23 This was particularly the case before World War I , but marriage remained the normative expectation of women of all classes to the end of the period .
24 This was particularly the case with his Class A applications , where twenty-one days was far too short a period for effective publicity , let alone considered public reaction .
25 This was clearly the case in the Central Agricultural Region , which we shall consider in Chapter 2 .
26 After one year , one would expect that out of these five those in the action sample would be happier than those in the control about the continued home care ; and this was clearly the case .
27 This was clearly the case in Soviet relations with Egypt , which became the USSR 's most important ally in the Middle East after the mid-1950s when Western governments refused to finance the Aswan Dam .
28 This was already the case during the archaic phase of Chinese jadeworking .
29 This was obviously the case last January , when the teams fought out a goalless draw in grim weather at Ayresome Park .
30 This was pre-eminently the case where the Area Boards were united in opposing the Central Authority or the Government ( as on the Clow differential ) , though Citrine was more willing to give in to such pressure on matters where he respected the Board Chairmen 's views , such as tariffs , than on matters where he was determined to impose his own , as in labour relations .
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