Example sentences of "this [was/were] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was about the only use for insect repellent , as the mosquitoes seemed to have become hardened to the hundreds of tourists who had trekked through before us .
2 This was about the only thing that ‘ Damnation Derek ’ got right !
3 The United goal never really looked in any great danger … this was about the only lapse …
4 Just one or two people who were who were here from the start so they remembered you know th thi this was this was more or less where the builders finished off , this was about the last house they did
5 It won , it won the best kit car and this was at the national show so you imagine how good this thing was .
6 This was during the mid 1980 's and the group was of moderate size and the productions were of a moderate standard also .
7 This was during the mid thirties ?
8 Dad did n't speak to Mum on the phone , and he did n't see her , knowing that this was for the best in the long run .
9 Glass accepts this was for the best .
10 No doubt this was for the good practical reason that as royal taxation became more frequent separate and additional councils for the church 's own business became more inconvenient : there was a limit to the number of times the clergy could be summoned from their parishes and livings to provincial assemblies in London or elsewhere .
11 This was for the specialised early potato market .
12 This was to the fundamental and long-term detriment of the financial base of the College .
13 This was of the first importance to him .
14 Page references have been included in this file as , a/though pub have covered indexes in their information skills course , this was of the first occasions when they were asked to take much of responsibility for their own project .
15 This was on the last day of an exhausting eleven-month shoot tracking down the healers , mystics and wise men of the islands .
16 This was after the 4472 hauled special , and may have been the final working into Hyde 's .
17 This was before the actual move .
18 This was before the 1988 Licensing Act which brought all-day opening .
19 This was before the Batty sale … but Im not sure if it was before all the other sales this season .
20 This was in The New English Weekly , a London journal of very limited circulation ; there appears to have been no comparable acknowledgement in the poet 's native land .
21 This was in the late 1970s when community programmes were developing rapidly ’ , Worswick recalled .
22 This was in the late sixties .
23 He was able to come back , and this was in the late nineteen fifties , half a century later , and tell us all about it .
24 Oh very much so , yes , this was in the sixties , sixties , seventies
25 And our Lord in the words that we 've read gives a very solemn answer to that question in the , in those words that we read a few moments ago and his immediate answer to the question you know are there few that be saved , was to say many , this was in the following verse , many shall not be able to be saved , now does that mean that only a few will be saved , that there 's only a few people who are gon na be in heaven that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for about a handful of people , a small percentage does that what it , is that what it means , well lets look and see what the bible has to say , in Matthew chapter seven in verse thirteen and verse fourteen , this is what Jesus says enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many of those who enter by it , for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life , but few of those who find it any way in the same book , in , in Matthew in , in , in chapter twenty two and in , in , in verse fourteen , listen again to what it says there Jesus is speaking he says for many a called , but few are chosen
26 This was in the 19th century and at about the same period more graves were found in Upper Halling , on the south side of Chapel Lane .
27 And this was in the 60s when high rise was so fashionable , but we managed not to have them in Washington . ’
28 One night ( this was in the second week after he had arrived , and about nine or ten weeks before The Romance really began ) the man who had driven him away from the Bar had done so in a big , warm , expensive , deep-seated car .
29 The most obvious place for this was in the private sector , where these jobs , and skills , were being lost .
30 This was in the early days of the personal computer when graphics software was scarce .
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