Example sentences of "this [modal v] have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This may have been caused by the heating and lighting used at that time , or perhaps modern communications plus far better fire fighting methods available today ensure that incidents are tackled much more quickly .
2 Layers of organic muds of swamp origin will be interspersed with wedge-shaped horizons of marine sediments thinning landwards and representing marine advance , however this may have been caused , levees of coarser sediment will follow the courses of former distributaries , while fanshaped spreads of such material will mark the sites of levee breaches .
3 However , this may have been overturned by the House of Lords in Lonrho Ltd .
4 This may have been characterised by a mystic other-worldliness which had little time for the concerns of this world , and the working out of faith in relation to the everyday challenges of life .
5 At some date , presumably after the twelfth century , the village moved or was moved westwards and its gridplan suggests this may have been planned .
6 It is strange , however , that Garrick did not subscribe for Leapor 's volumes , since at almost the same time he subscribed for the Irish bricklayer poet , Henry Jones , though this may have been done to please Chesterfield .
7 This may have been done by the surveyor to protect the building society or bank .
8 This may have been done in the Middle Ages , but many warrens seem to date from the sixteenth century onwards .
9 Some of this may have been channelled into Pathe , where Mr Fiorini is still co-chairman .
10 This led to forced feedings of turkeys , and , after being voided , resultant germination of seeds of the tree which was on the verge of extinction , though this may have been exacerbated by the depredations of introduced monkeys , which take unripe fruits .
11 Its lateral line should enable it to survive and eat , but even this may have been affected if it is bumping into things .
12 On a modern system this may have been replaced by a safety device called a residual current device ( RCD ) , which turns off the supply if it detects current leaking to earth , and so protects the system and its users against the twin risks of fire and electric shock .
13 This may be dealt with in some way in the contract in that a certain notice period may have been specified and this may have been adhered to by the parties .
14 Attempts were made by Wulfhere to detach the kingdom of Lindsey from its dependency on the north Anglian king , for Chad probably and Wynfrith ( 672-c. 674 ) certainly , successive bishops of Lichfield , exercised episcopal authority over the Lindesfara ( HE IV , 3 ) and the political foundations for this may have been laid in the 660s .
15 Those of the gentry and clergy who perceived this may have been driven by instinct and may have over-reacted .
16 All have been affected by the Post-glacial rise of sea level , but in the second class this may have been accentuated or nullified by local land movements .
17 Butler-Sloss LJ said that the meaning of the words " trade secrets " had developed since Herbert Morris v Saxelby and was now interpreted in the wider context of " highly confidential information of a non-technical or non-scientific nature … " . 1.4 The employee 's skill and knowledge Although the courts are anxious to uphold the employer 's right to have his business secrets protected they have ensured that the employee is not prevented from using , once he has left his employer , the general skill and knowledge which he has acquired during employment even though this may have been acquired at some cost to the employer .
18 This may have been used in conjunction with a net , or on its own from an open boat .
19 This may have been prompted by its loss of oil-export flexibility , caused first by Iranian naval action in 1980 , then compounded by Syria 's pipeline closure two years later .
20 Whilst this may have been entered initially , this is not certain as the writing is not the same as some other entries such as that of Miss T. 's name and the name of the consultant .
21 If , however , they were too pessimistic this should have been belied in the subsequent years since the Nigerian Indigenization Decree of 1972 , implemented from February 1974 , which reserved twenty-six activities in large-scale industry exclusively for Nigerian ownership ; foreign companies operating in these businesses had to sell out .
22 The first point to make is that this is the same book as originally published in 1974 and retrospectively numbered ‘ 36 ’ in the series — we feel this should have been made clear by titling it ‘ Revised Edition ’ in the style previously followed .
23 ‘ Aurigny ’ is the old French name for the island of Alderney , and it is fitting that this should have been chosen as the airline 's title , since in many ways that rocky islet is the heart of the organisation .
24 Orkney , like most of his breed , is not sure this should have been allowed .
25 Why this should have been thought evidence of scurrility was known only to Joyce ‘ s peculiar logic .
26 At first I thought this must have been intended for someone else and began grubbing about in the wastepaper basket to find the envelope .
27 This must have been formed from Cr(CO) 6 by light-induced loss of a carbon monoxide molecule .
28 So what we know is that this must have been blocked up before this doorway was inserted , okay ?
29 And that payment before the day might be more beneficial , and consequently that the plea was in substance good , and this must have been decided in the case .
30 Only Pliny the Elder interrupts the silence by telling us that a Zachalias Babyloniensis — surely a Jew called Zacharias — wrote a book dedicated to Mithridates ( Eupator ? ) on the influence of precious stones on human destiny : this must have been written in Greek ( N.H. 37.60.169 ) .
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