Example sentences of "this [noun] have [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the Treaty of Rome , the Treaty of Accession and the Single European Act , this country , this Government and this Parliament have given certain clearly defined powers to the Community .
2 This badge had crossed hypodermic syringes and a Latin motto which when translated , read : ‘ Bodies in the cells , names in the papers ’ .
3 Reporting of this kind had become familiar over the fighting in this area .
4 The logic circuitry needed to generate and decode signals of this kind has become available only in the past 10 years or so .
5 Violent incidents of this kind have become commonplace in a country where all human rights are being eroded .
6 Studies of this kind have demonstrated increased spontaneous in vitro platelet aggregation in insulin-dependent diabetic subjects free from vascular disease ( Krzywanek & Breddin , 1981 ; Paulsen et al , 1981 ; Silberbauer et al , 1981 ) .
7 Sorry to bother you , but this squadron has assumed unusual significance in the present difficult situation .
8 Finally many people of this caste had to find other non-traditional occupations .
9 The requisite mental element in the offences created in this Part has proved troublesome from the outset , and a brief historical excursus is essential to a full explanation of this aspect of the Act .
10 As yet this technique has limited spatial and temporal resolution but it does offer a means of looking at human brain activity in a fairly safe way .
11 This technique has proved sensitive enough to detect pathological embolic materials such as thrombus , atheroma , and platelet aggregates , and the characteristics of the resulting signal provide information on the size of the embolus .
12 This hypothesis has yielded contradictory results .
13 Comparisons with previous surveys show that despite a blip in 1988 this industry has shown steady growth over the last five years and is now firmly established as Scotland 's third most important sector in terms of exports .
14 This study has confirmed early observations that oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation is not followed by any significant degree of chronic encephalopathy and it would certainy be a useful procedure in patients where endoscopic sclerotherapy fails to control bleeding .
15 Yet this religion has caused escalating hatred , wars and disease , because of passages in the Bible , surely inserted by evil fanatics .
16 When first I met him , this ritual had seemed stylish to me .
17 The focus of this research has reflected growing awareness that preoccupation with a handful of leading figures may create a distorted picture ; that Chernyshevsky , Plekhanov and Lenin may not be typical in terms of social background , personality or motivation ; that both their own ideological development and that of the rank and file must be more firmly located in its social context ; that the schemes and blueprints drawn up by leaders — and the criticisms hurled by their rivals — may be a poor guide to how the revolutionary parties actually functioned .
18 This chapter has examined international selling .
19 This chapter has provided overwhelming support for Northam 's assertion that police paramilitarism is now a fact of British life :
20 In 1965 the Pacific countries — leaving out the US and Canada-produced goods and services worth S183,000,000,000 , sixty per cent less than that of Western Europe ; by 1985 this figure had increased eight-fold , to $1,700,000,000,000 — a mere thirty per cent less than Europe .
21 Radzinowicz and Hood ( 1986 ) have shown how this dilemma had confronted English socialists from the earliest times .
22 This programme has yielded excellent results and the technology has attracted considerable interest from the data storage industry .
23 The growing importance of the Western European markets is reflected in the Council 's Euro-drive and this programme has attracted valuable private sector sponsorship .
24 She pointed out that this committee had funded various projects engaging in theological reflection in the past , eg ICOREC and PRAXIS .
25 ‘ That this Committee having inspected various Documents produced by the Professor Mr Vial , are satisfied of their Authenticity and of the fairness of his Character — and that he did actually hold in France the situations of professor of the Veterinary School and of Ecuyer du Roi at Lyons and of professor of comparative anatomy at Montpellier .
26 This separation has caused considerable difficulties and again fresh legislation was needed in 1977 to provide adequate procedures for housing the homeless ( Alexander 1982a:53 ; 1982b:69 ) .
27 But although this discovery has made accurate diagnosis much easier , the way in which the expansion occurs remains to be understood .
28 This attitude has provoked strong reactions from various gallery holders who have benefited by the system , some of whom accuse Mr Job de Ruiter , the chairman of the Arts Council , of wanting to dictate the taste of the public by forcing on it a type of art it simply does n't want .
29 This issue has generated cross-party support and those remarks were a bit off , given what we are trying to achieve .
30 This new , specific ASEAN zone concept is also supported by Vietnam , Kampuchea and Laos , and the ‘ convergence of views ’ of the Southeast Asian states on this issue has inspired Soviet hopes that ‘ the existing positive process ’ in favour of the zone ‘ can be further developed ’ .
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