Example sentences of "are given [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the ‘ rights ’ parents are given under the Act this is a form of power that parents are rarely able to exercise .
2 DIRE warnings are given of the consequences of taking the necessary measures to make cars more environment-friendly .
3 Fleeting glimpses are given of the Roulette team from Australia , Team 60 from Sweden and Esquadrilha da Fumaca from Brazil .
4 Details are given of the Clwyd Environmental Forum , which was set up to provide locally active organisations and statutory bodies with an opportunity to discuss issues of concern to the county 's environment and to promote the interchange of information and experience .
5 By doing this we have also solved the problem of the awkward leap referred to above ; for , by giving the top line to the 2nd violins in the first four bars all technical difficulties are avoided , and , in addition , force and verve are given to the sforzando on the first beat of bar 5 , and greater point and conviction are gained for the abrupt change of key .
6 more often than not it lacks continuity and progression or any serious attempt to ensure that adequate time and attention are given to the elements said to comprise the topic .
7 In pursuit of this , wide powers are given to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , some of which may , and indeed have been , transferred to a ‘ designated agency ’ , known as the Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) .
8 Mravinsky 's attitude to dynamics seems to be on the lines of ‘ no gradual inflexion unless explicit instructions are given to the contrary ’ .
9 We checked as far as possible the information for the cases listed in tables 2.1 to 2.4 of the Black report ; in table III cross references are given to the cases listed in these tables of the Black report and , when necessary , the information has been corrected .
10 ‘ Patient problems ’ provide a basis for studying nursing , and so these problems form the presenting , or trigger , problems which are given to the learners .
11 This miracle is placed by Mark just after the chapter on parables in which the secrets of the kingdom of God are given to the disciples .
12 The semiquaver decorations are given to the flutes except for one short passage which goes too low for the flute , and is taken by the clarinet .
13 The Law of Property Act 1925 s84 makes provision for application to the court in such a case to modify or discharge the restrictions , and now , under the Law of Property Act 1969 , similar powers are given to the Lands Tribunal on grounds that the restriction impedes a use of the land that would be reasonable .
14 ( 8 ) The text of the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Quotations Department if the offer is made on the London Stock Exchange but otherwise with the Panel and copies of the final text must be given to both at the same time as they are given to the newspapers .
15 . ’ Eight , ten , or twelve succussions are given to the bottle before each dose .
16 Repeated warnings are given to the peasants to stay away from passing traffic .
17 It 's , certainly erm well attended , there 's , you know thousands of people attend and basically it centres around erm , a fire , Beltane means erm , sacred fire and erm a procession of drummers leads me to top of a path and along Carlfa , Carlton Hill and erm fire sculptures are lit around me and I unfo ha have this great costume that I unfold in and erm process round the hill and round hill are different performers erm painted in different colours to represent different elements of nature , and finally we come to this big fire where which I light with hands , which have been sculpted and bannocks are given to the people to eat , and erm the tradition that you 're supposed to cross the fire as a sort of a erm purification ceremony or or through the ashes of the fire .
18 A Will is a commonsense and legal way to ensure that any possessions you have are given to the people you wish to pass them on to .
19 Scores ( the total of correct answers ) are given to the headteacher who makes year-by-year comparisons for classes and individual children .
20 The cards are now flicked through and , sure enough , each of the cards has turned over , and they are given to the children to hold before being collected .
21 Copies of Figure 11.3 are given to the sender and receivers and they are asked to repeat the first exercise using Figure 11.4 as the data to be transmitted .
22 Finally , the Act requires that bail decisions are recorded , and that reasons for refusing bail are given to the defendant .
23 Erm now what powers are given to the president of the United States by the constitution of the United States ?
24 No guidelines are given for the interpretation of s8 except that the term to be included must have been a fair and reasonable one having regard to the circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of , the parties when the contract was made ( s11(1) ) .
25 All sorts of reasons are given for the lack of enthusiasm in schools for physical science and technology , but never that which might be the fundamental one .
26 Women , because of the nurturing and caring roles allocated to them , the responsibility they are given for the well-being and happiness of children and of men , are much more likely to be taught the value of submitting to one 's fate and considering the needs of others before their own .
27 Instruction and supervision are given for the MSc French Studies , in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , and the department also collaborates in the MSc programmes in Comparative Literature European Film Studies and Medieval Languages .
28 In Section 10.4 estimates are given for the intensity of gravitational radiation on Earth from various sources ; finally in Section 10.5 current detector designs , which appear capable of detecting waves from supernovae in our Galaxy , are described .
29 This gives a breakdown of their main holiday-based activities and similar financial details are given for the holiday firms discussed in Table 11.1 .
30 The young people who come into care are drawn almost exclusively from the ranks of the poor and disadvantaged and though many reasons are given for the move , frequently it is the inability of the family to cope with illness , bereavement , divorce or remarriage .
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