Example sentences of "are often [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Heavy writing jobs such as brochures are often given to freelancers who specialise in subjects like financial or technical writing .
2 They are often despatched to houses of ill-fame , to satisfy the animal lusts of depraved men . ’
3 In China , poachers of rare animals such as pandas are often sentenced to death .
4 However in many cases it is doubtful whether these are anything other than the traditional wage system in a new disguise — for ‘ merit ’ , ‘ loyalty ’ and ‘ cooperation ’ , which are often tied to length of service have been used as major criteria for wage increases granted in this fashion … managements have not proceeded hastily towards full-blown wage rationalization because of their own concern with preserving worker identification with the enterprise …
5 In larvae of the Hymenoptera Apocrita and the higher Diptera the antennae are often reduced to minute tubercles or are atrophied .
6 But questions have also been raised about it in non-social areas of linguistics , and these are often attached to reservations about the theoretical nature of sociolinguistics as a discipline .
7 Although occupational pension schemes are increasingly common , levels of payment are often linked to earnings in the most recent years of work .
8 Victims of torture or relatives are often subjected to threats when they attempt to take legal action against torturers .
9 Natural colour enhancers such as xanthophyll , which produces a yellow pigmentation and carotenoid red coloration , are often added to quality products , as are various taste attractants to encourage species difficult to acclimatise to dry food such as Mandarins and butterflyfish .
10 Though you may be aware of the distribution list , reports are often passed to people not on that list .
11 Lynn is a vivid example of how women are often attracted to men who express parts of themselves which have been buried or destroyed — in her case her sexual confidence .
12 The Attorney General for England states that cases are often brought to trial which , from being imperfectly got up , break down , and thus cause the acquittal of guilty parties .
13 Evidence shows that people are often brought to Christ by membership of such a group .
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