Example sentences of "are [adv] [verb] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Peels are mostly used for limestones and calcite-cemented clastic rocks , although cherts and siliceous clastics can be successfully treated .
2 Cohort life tables are little used for humans because :
3 As for the future he said : ‘ We are constantly striving for ways in which to improve quality and efficiency and to eliminate waste and mediocrity .
4 We are constantly searching for ways to better the nutritional quality of our menu , whilst retaining the characteristic taste and flavour of our food .
5 The resources of the AIB and its equivalent organisations throughout the world are necessarily limited for reasons of economy , and the person in charge has to deploy his forces in the most effective manner he can devise while at the same time always keeping enough reserves in hand in case of a major catastrophe .
6 Some rooms are especially adapted for visitors with physical disabilities .
7 If a business only exceeds the threshold for arrivals of goods and not despatches , then SSDs are only completed for arrivals ; similarly , if the threshold is only breached for goods despatched , then SSDs only need to be completed for despatches .
8 Extra payments are only made for items not detailed in the original spec .
9 ‘ We will be campaigning throughout the country on the theme ‘ the betrayal of Britain by the Conservative Party ’ , and saying the tax increases are merely to pay for mistakes of the past . ’
10 These are one-year full-time courses which are normally designed for sixteen-year-olds .
11 Police are already hunting for bodies working on the killer 's directions .
12 As a sentencing judge you are always looking for options erm a variety of options to impose so that each individual sentence that you impose on a defendant is tailored to either the rehabilitation or the punishment ends of sentencing .
13 At The Royal Bank of Scotland we are always looking for ways to ensure that our customers achieve a good return from their savings , particularly now that interest rates are much lower .
14 However , that process is continually evolving and we are always looking for suggestions to aid its development .
15 Local wildlife trusts are always looking for volunteers too .
16 QUACK : Why drug pushers with lisps are always mistaken for ducks .
17 The first six male entries drawn from the hat will receive a pair of GT 35s while the first six female entries will win a pair of Lady GTs — these are specially designed for women who tend not to want high ankle support .
18 Police , forensic and bomb squad officers are still searching for clues to the cause of that blast .
19 ‘ We are still looking for riders , ’ adds Pavitt who called last night 's match off at 6pm following heavy rain .
20 The Wimbledon Churches Youth Project are still looking for premises for a young people 's advice centre .
21 ‘ It sounds terrible to say that you are still looking for cigarettes , ’ he said .
22 There are a number of fine amphitheatres extant in a partly ruined condition and several of them are still used for performances of opera or for bull fights .
23 Forensic tests have revealed teeth found in the debris of a massive fire were Gary 's and murder squad detectives are still waiting for scientists to formally identify Jean 's remains .
24 But reception classes in infants ' schools are traditionally designed for five-year-olds .
25 Brokers ' recommendations ( and earnings forecasts ) are similarly bunched for giants such as Microsoft and Walmart .
26 These polymers are extensively used for structures made with glass-fibre reinforcement .
27 Four crews are also competing for places in the Canadian doubles category though none has yet reached the required Olympic qualifying standard .
28 We are also appealing for witnesses . ’
29 River conduits and drains are also mistaken for tunnels .
30 Accounts are also kept for shareholders , but American accounting laws allow studios to guess how well a film will do in each of its markets ( an invitation either to claim profits early or to put off losses ) ; for the tax man ( ditto ) ; and for various stars who have been promised shares of a film 's net profit — a figure which a studio wants to keep as low as possible .
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