Example sentences of "are [adv] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 This probably represents an underestimate of the proliferative capacity of 14-day precursors because it is likely that not all cells are successfully incorporated into the reaggregates .
2 No matter how much care the drafter puts into the preparation of a set of standard terms , the terms are wholly useless unless they are effectively incorporated into the contracts they are intended to govern .
3 When these aids are properly integrated into the course work they give a unique dimension to teaching .
4 Minor characters like Miss Skiffins , Wopsle , the Aged Parent and Clara Barley are mostly brought into the novel through light-hearted scenes and they are n't included in the actual story , only as comical characters — for light relief .
5 Despite incurring very real expenses , especially in the use of staff time , the costs of weeding are rarely built into the library budget .
6 It is these latter , higher status , jobs which are most concentrated into the south of the country ( Martin , 1988 ; Massey , 1988 ) .
7 But how do those western women feel , for example , who having lived with their Indian husbands in Britain for years , are suddenly thrust into the bosom of the joint family , even temporarily .
8 In contrast to contemporary society which denied social misfits and those deemed ‘ irreligious ’ their civil rights and spiritual privileges , such people are especially welcomed into the Reign of God .
9 Managerial and control functions , and the relatively highly-paid jobs that go with them , are highly concentrated into the south and east of the country .
10 Often , bands are naturally pushed into the style and image that is associated with their music , like heavy metal , gothic , hip-hop , punk and ragamuffin .
11 It is lighter and more flexible than cattle mesh and can be erected fairly quickly on ½ inch diameter iron stakes which are merely pressed into the ground .
12 As they are merely placed into the water , there is no need for a complex plumbing arrangement or a separate chamber as with surface pumps .
13 SOCIAL INSECTS are broadly divided into the presocial insects , in which the parents take care of their young , and the eusocial insects , in which the same applies , but the young grow up to take care of their parents and the next generation .
14 inform about society , thus continuing the induction of pupils which they are already experiencing into the tradition which is theirs by virtue either of birth or of taking up residence in a country .
15 Answer : when it is called Microsoft Windows/NT Advanced Server — Microsoft Corp says that it has invoked the name change so as not to confuse customers since a lot of the functions of the OS/2-based LAN Manager which we know and love are already incorporated into the base operating system and Advanced Server will provide only the extras such as multi-domain management ; coincidentally of course , Microsoft will avoid discouraging any users that were n't particularly enamoured of LAN Manager 's original incarnation .
16 Answer : when it is called Microsoft Windows/NT Advanced Server — Microsoft Corp says that it has invoked the name change so as not to confuse customers since a lot of the functions of the OS/2-based LAN Manager which we know and love are already incorporated into the base operating system and Advanced Server will provide only the extras such as multi-domain management ; coincidentally of course , Microsoft will avoid discouraging any users that were n't particularly enamoured of LAN Manager 's original incarnation .
17 We are already falling into the trap of describing an ideal world and suggesting that it exists .
18 ‘ They review records that are just getting into the shops .
19 The drawing suggests that a number of balls are available for this and they are just pushed into the hole one alter the other until it is filled and a surface can be laid on top of it .
20 To maintain the management culture , new ideas are thus injected into the company through new-manager training , the key course for first-time first-line managers .
21 We believe these legislative changes are vital to guarantee that environmental considerations are genuinely integrated into the Structural Funds .
22 These are usually sewn into the tent and cover the bottom plus two or three inches up the sides of the tent .
23 These are usually plumbed into the outflow from a filter , but some filters have them built in .
24 They stay in the reception classes for a period of up to three years , after which they are usually dropped into the lowest streams of the schools to which the classes are attached …
25 But both of these contain caffeine and other chemical stimulants which are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream .
26 The setting of EC standards is an example of where national interests are quickly interwoven into the fabric of the single market ideal .
27 Meanwhile enquiries are still continuing into the Mr Letts death .
28 They are still turning into the wind .
29 From motherhood onwards , women are automatically slotted into the role of nurturing and tending to the needs of others .
30 In the first case , the resin itself does not outgas thoroughly before coming into contact with the specimen , so gas and resin are both drawn into the pores ; resin also solidifies in the inlet line .
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