Example sentences of "are [adj] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The staff are alert and responding to the needs of their guests and are dressed appropriately to support the scene .
2 For example , most abduction experiences , which often take place in childhood , are repressed and have to be recovered using hypnosis .
3 But the young are resilient and Ensign in Italy : a Platoon Commander 's Story ( Leo Cooper , £19.95 ) is without a trace of self-pity or mock heroism .
4 They are given the status of goddesses by virtue of their being , in a Swedeoborgian sense , vessels of symbolic love and so they are mystified and removed from the realms of real , whole , sexual beings .
5 Though wages are low and living in London is difficult , he encounters Susan , a would-be singer ( Emer McCourt ) .
6 So as prostitutes are being deterred from Swindon by big fines and clear up campaigns , they 're taking the problem elsewhere ; to the cities like London , where the fines are low and demand for their work is high .
7 All are strong and made to high-quality standards , and provide a useful means of securing valuables such as workshops , tool sheds , tool boxes , etc .
8 All the tanks in the house are unheated and rely on the room temperature — which was 74°F while we were there .
9 My experience suggests that many lesions that are macular and blanch on direct pressure respond more favourably to pulsed dye lasers than to alternatives such as copper vapour lasers , although in many cases responses are similar .
10 Do it when other people are around so that someone will see that you are upset and listen to you .
11 Most of the vines are east-facing and located to the north of the village , with the best sites found at heights between 140 and 220 metres .
12 A few insects have tracheae that swell into thin-walled balloons which are depressed and expanded as the abdomen pumps up and down .
13 In the year of German reunification and national congratulation , Michael Verhoeven insists that ghosts from the past are alive and kicking in the ‘ mature democracy ’ of the west .
14 Why these particular prints stand out in my opinion from so many produced for the tourists of the time , is because the artist has not just reproduced his drawings on to plates but he has been able to produce marks that are alive and work within the context of the print .
15 In addition , by considering scalar wave perturbations in the impulsive wave case , they have also shown that the quasiregular singularities are unstable and convert to scalar curvature singularities .
16 ‘ The result is that our good companies are embarrassed and undermined by the behaviour of the bad and even the bad by the worst . ’
17 Many are empty and act as magnets for arsonists and vandals .
18 Inside , the rooms are light and panelled with elegant pedimented overdoors , and it is sad to think that the full splendour of Bullen Reynes 's house was only enjoyed by his son and his family for a few short years ; the bulk of it burned down in 1704 .
19 This is not to say that women 's experience , perceptions , feelings and emotions are self-validating and constitute in themselves an epistemological standpoint , or even to say that they are always correctly identified and described , but it is to suggest that philosophy would look rather different if women 's experience had the same rights of entry as that of men .
20 Where existing downpipes are sound and disappear into , say , a concrete path , it may be easier to leave them in place and to fit the new system so that the outlet matches up with the top of the existing pipe : 68mm plastic pipe will fit into 2¼ in cast Iron pipe .
21 All of these sizes are theoretical and err on the generous side to ensure a safe and floating descent , but they can not take into account any climatic influence .
22 If we study drug addicts , they will surely tell us and we will be bound to report that they believe the outsiders who judge them are wrong and inspired by low motives .
23 Some sets of video material are self-contained and come with their own activities : a serial story , a training series for management skills , a set of business meetings.Any of these could create their own regular slot on the timetable : a Sherlock Holmes story once a month , perhaps , or a weekly session for the Business English group to view the next episode of Bid for Power .
24 Go round and talk to the various people you know that are interested and say to them ‘ Look , I 'm planning to try and do this work , but I do n't just want to do this on my own , I want to take into account other people 's views . ’
25 And I say to them ‘ Look , do n't start planning this whole thing on your own from the beginning , go round and talk to the various people you know that are interested and say to them ‘ Look , I 'm planning to try and do this work , or we agreed at such and such a meeting that I would do this work , but I do n't just want to do this on my own , I want to take into account other people 's views .
26 Eternal God , we rejoice in your promise that as our day is , so shall our strength be ; and we ask for your help for all who are old and wearied with the burden of life .
27 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
28 Further , there is the problem of the practice of censorship once introduced , as to whether it would focus on the kinds of sexual behaviour which are violent and degrading to women , or whether it would be used to ban representations of sexual behaviour that feminists found acceptable , such as non-violent gay and lesbian sex .
29 Again the motivation is more likely to arise if the choices are real and begin from propositions or activities acceptable to the student .
30 The deaths are sad and regretted by everyone but no one seems to have attributed the beautiful poem correctly .
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