Example sentences of "are [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After their racing days the horses are not destined for breeding ; they often live as the mounts of amateur riders in local races or retire to become family friends .
2 This flexibility is particularly valuable when so many of the subjects within the Faculty are not taught at school and the first year university course will be the first opportunity to sample them .
3 Many of the subjects available for study are not taught in school , and consequently may be unfamiliar .
4 Statuses which are not fixed by inheritance , biological characteristics , or other factors over which the individual has no control , are known as ‘ achieved ’ statuses .
5 Important consequences attend the fact that the composition , powers and procedures of the Cabinet are not fixed by law .
6 One method of reducing surpluses has been for companies to take contributions holidays ( although generally these are not extended to employee contribution holidays ) whereby they do not pay any contributions for a period of time .
7 That 's in the open ocean in enclosed basins , for example the Black Sea , many fjords and sea lochs , the deep waters are not renewed by water masses moving in from other areas in the way that they are in the open ocean and there anoxia can occur in the deep waters , that is the oxygen can be completely removed by biological activity particularly in degradation processes of organic matter , bacterial respiration so anoxic conditions can occur in isolated deep basins but low oxygen concentrations are actually very rare in the open ocean .
8 There is still a sense in which the relation between words and object can be called ‘ arbitrary ’ , since we are not dealing with onomatopeia , but it is quite unproblematical .
9 I know that many killings are done for next to nothing but we are not dealing with street muggers or footloose louts , we are dealing with the middle-aged and the middle-class-people who know which side their bread is buttered and value their reputations almost more than their deeds and their share certificates .
10 We note that the most striking finding reported in their paper — the 5 cm difference in average height between men with microalbuminuria in both samples and those with no microalbuminuria in both samples — is based on a small number of men with microalbuminuria , and the means are not standardised for age .
11 While recent developments in Zambia must be welcomed as the first occasion on which an African Commonwealth head of state has left office because of the ballot box , are there not all too many countries in Africa which are not moving towards democracy ?
12 This suggests that , instead of a once-and-for-all decision at the end of the analysis , there may be a process of evaluation that develops with the project , and that decisions and analyses are not undertaken without consideration of prior experience .
13 In general , silvicultural techniques include the regulation of regeneration , species composition and growth and may be designed to enhance aspects of forestry , such as improvement of habitats for wildlife , that are not related to timber production .
14 It is therefore possible that the changes found in the study of Beardshall et al are not related to suppression of H pylori although this remains the most likely explanation .
15 Entailment can occur between sentences differing only in respect of the lexical fillers of a particular syntactic slot even when the lexical items in question are not related by hyponymy .
16 If you are not related by blood , or were not legally married to the deceased , you can not inherit from him or her if he or she dies without a will .
17 But National Savings accounts are not taxed at source , and you are allowed £70 a year tax-free interest .
18 Unlike Sue 's daughter most of these children concerned are not adopted at birth .
19 Spirits are not perceived by sense ; they are not ideas but things which have ideas .
20 The background sky is darker ; but more important , images are not blurred by atmosphere motions .
21 We have to be able to make distinctions between parents , usually mothers , who are not suspected of involvement and parents , usually — although not exclusively — fathers , who are .
22 Many continental margins are not separated by subduction zones from the divergent boundaries marked by mid-oceanic ridges .
23 This implies that Δz and ΔT are not oscillating in phase .
24 We are not disturbed by slowness , for what goes slow can run deep .
25 I will see that you are not disturbed until dinner and then you shall have a tray .
26 But this argument is weakened when democratic arrangements break down and are not replaced by socialism , as has frequently occurred in industrializing countries .
27 Hungarian shops are not bulging with consumer goods like TV 's and so on , but there are excellent clothing and accessory shops with bargain prices .
28 For another , statistically significant associations between standards of work on the one hand and resource levels and the strength of a head teacher 's influence on the other , which are even stronger than those involving subject match , are not developed through discussion or connected to policy suggestions .
29 It is important to realise that we are not taking into account all the competing paths produced by poor acoustic-phonetic labelling .
30 If this population is representative of the UK nationally , a substantial number of patients dying from end stage liver disease is being denied the option of liver transplantation because they are not referred for assessment .
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