Example sentences of "are [to-vb] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But if we are to preserve the creatures that rely directly upon water as their medium , technique and science alone are not enough .
2 The AIMS of the CUCGA are to sustain the position and influence of Convocations and similar bodies as continuing but independent constituent parts of their institutions ; to promote the status and development of Higher Education ; to provide a focus and forum for the expression of graduate opinion on matters relating to education ; and to foster the development and use of graduate bodies for the support and enhancement of universities , polytechnics and equivalent institutions .
3 Clearly , theories of this sort must be extended in some way if they are to accommodate the fact that latent inhibition depends in part on what the target stimulus predicts .
4 If we are to continue the retraining and employment schemes , we need the Bill .
5 While choreographers who wish to create a character and/or national ballet have an immense amount of material upon which to work , they must be very selective if they are to communicate the characteristic and/or purely nationalistic elements which will make a ballet unique .
6 If as a union we are to meet the challenges that lie ahead , then please support this resolution .
7 or the L.T.A. , a formal organisation is essential if we are to receive the support and guidance of the Sports Council and the C.C.P.R.
8 Hewlett-Packard 's peripherals division in Bblingen , Germany has announced two new 600dpi , 16 page per minute printers , the LaserJet 4si and 4si Mx which are to replace the IIIsi and IIID range .
9 Dancers on stage must establish their relationship to each other and to those who enter and also the particular way they are to set the action or dance going by initiating the phrasing , style and expressiveness of the choreographic design to be unfolded .
10 Betty demonstrates the way they are to tackle the task and the pupils carry it out in unison , at least initially .
11 The aims of this research are to identify the conditions that have already led to either of these diverging trends in other countries and the likelihood of their influence in Britain ; the consequences for job opportunities and skill-use following from either of these patterns ; and the possibility of a conflict in relevant training and labour requirement arising from contrasting work practices .
12 The primary objectives of this project are to identify the determinants and consequences of third world military expenditure over the period 1950 to the present .
13 Whilst physical infirmity may make physical care of great significance to the old person and mental infirmity may limit their capacity to give and receive other kinds of care , the efforts we make to relate to the whole person are critical if we are to avoid the stigmatising and depersonalising processes which insult the integrity of the old person .
14 My hon. Friends ' constituents should be aware of the exact commitment made by those who are to manage the trust once it is established on 1
15 With regard to the now unimportant four percent increase which then if you may made I 'm sure councillors deny it and if we are to believe the reason that we have to bring our rents to this level is because government policy so dictates that we shall do .
16 During our 64th year , CPRW 's founding philosophy that careful use of natural resources is vital if we are to protect the beauty and amenity of Wales ' coast and countryside , was as strong as ever .
17 These redundancies are necessary if we are to maintain the business and carry on trading as a viable operation , ’ he said .
18 However , they are available and if individuals are to improve their lives , and companies and organisations are to improve the attendance and commitment of their staff , they must learn and apply the skills of emotional management .
19 Its aims are to examine the scale and operation of the informal risk capital market in the UK , to assess its contribution to closing the ‘ equity gap ’ , and to identify the characteristics of business angels in the UK and to compare them with their counterparts in North America .
20 If we are to prioritize the study and publicization of one , surely it should be that which , in objective terms , causes more human suffering rather than the other which is perceived by the public to be the more serious even though they are clearly wrong .
21 The Building Regulations are to safeguard the health and safety of those in and around the building .
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