Example sentences of "are [v-ing] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The flaws which they are building into the system ( which even Phil is building into the system ) — the endemic morbidity of man and the lethal hostility of his environment — are not incidental but essential .
2 How many community language teachers have a sensitivity to variation within their own language which does not result in a damaging negation of the forms of language which their pupils are bringing into the classroom ?
3 Soft acid waters , from the peaty hills that supply much of Britain 's water , are eating into the iron water mains of many towns .
4 A vagrant jazz trio have set up their tattered equipment on a grassy knoll and are tearing into the theme from The Flintstones with commendable gusto .
5 The cause of the fire is n't yet known , but fire investigators are looking into the possibility that it may have been started deliberately .
6 The cause of the fire is n't yet known , but fire investigators are looking into the possibility that it may have been started deliberately .
7 In exactly the same way , too many people are looking into the mind of the homosexual rather than considering the repugnance that is caused to millions of decent people all over the country … .
8 At the moment , consultants are looking into the matter in detail , and their report will be put before the Broadcasting Committee for its consideration .
9 Supt Peter Coleman said : ‘ We are looking into the matter and will take action if it proves necessary . ’
10 ‘ We are looking into the matter and someone will contact Mrs Marron personally . ’
11 Trading standards officers are looking into the matter following complaints .
12 Ian White says he 's not surprised that his colleagues are looking into the matter .
13 A Darlington police spokesman said : ‘ We are aware of the latest incident at Mrs Earley 's house and are looking into the situation . ’
14 For many people in Britain , ethnic relations means immigration and the apparent belief that large numbers of people are pouring into the country and making it overcrowded .
15 And by now the strongest following are pouring into the ground and the area known as The Cage is almost solid .
16 Thin overcrowded new shoots and any that are growing into the centre of plants .
17 Yeah , people are wondering into the property
18 Do n't forget to add the Aquasafe at this stage , to remove the chlorines and chloramines that our water boards are pumping into the tapwater at the moment .
19 ‘ Because , ’ Marian said , ‘ we are going into the heart of the forest . ’
20 Private firms are moving into the field — there are two windpower consortia and a tidal power consortium ( involving DEC , McAlpines and Taylor Woodrow amongst others — along with the CEGB and British Aerospace ) and many smaller firms in the solar field : some 20,000 solar collector units have been installed in the UK so far .
21 Others are moving into the frame and within five years it is possible that more than half of all lamb will be sold overseas .
22 Meanwhile , redundant miners who lost their jobs when the state-owned mines were closed are moving into the forest in increasing numbers to set up farms .
23 However , you must realize that here you are getting into the area of ‘ forcing ’ , and that your need to get what you want should be stronger than your need to maintain the relationship with the person .
24 You will still have to do a little detective work first , to make sure that you are cutting into the circuit cable itself and not into a spur .
25 ‘ A grammar or secondary school is only as good as the quality of primary education and the girls who are coming into the school .
26 Because the external examiners are coming into the child 's environment , they might only just walk through the school , but you 'd hope that they would pick up something of the ambience ; plus the work can be presented how the child wants to present it .
27 Bookings are coming into the Academy of Culinary Arts for its course which begin this month .
28 A spokesman for the company management said later : ‘ Management at the Timex plant in Dundee deplores the activities of protesters outside its plant , tactics which are designed only to intimidate the workers who are coming into the plant . ’
29 All are concerned with practical issues such as the accessibility of the union to those who are coming into the profession and the need to find sensible ways of selecting actors for parts .
30 Reports are coming into the newsroom of a cholera epidemic in a nearby town .
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