Example sentences of "are [v-ing] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You react like one when you burn the toast , so why should n't you react like one when you are pitching for a new account ?
2 ‘ Care managers are stepping into a different world , managing budgets and telling clients when they ca n't do something because there is no more money .
3 They are stepping over the invisible , moralistic Maginot Line of the old culture of opposition .
4 With the threat of relegation looming again , the loss of the ground , and the millstone around my neck of a team of asthmatic pine martens with the collective brain power of a kiwi fruit , the pressures on me are building to a frightening pitch .
5 On the contrary , they form the foundation blocks to all that follows , and serve as a constant reminder of the need to ensure that we are building on the right foundation and that the materials with which we build have spiritual survival capability ( 1 Cor.
6 Police say the device bears all the hallmarks of the IRA and officers are liasing with the Anti Terrorist Squad …
7 Sainsburys say the company 's medical staff are liasing with the local council.No employees will be allowed back to work until the infection has cleared up .
8 Eminent scientists are clamouring for an outright ban on all chlorine substances .
9 President , with a very heavy heart and bitter disappointment for all our people out there , who are depending on the Social Chapter to give them dignity , safety and a reasonable standar standard of living , I reluctantly withdraw this motion , but I will say this , we live to fight another day .
10 We will discuss a little later the emotions implications of this but for the moment we are reflecting on the practical issues that overwhelm the bereaved person .
11 Tint the undercoat with whatever you are using for the final colour and you will get a good , even finish .
12 Stars from the National English Opera , Janice Cairns ( soprano ) and Anthony Mee ( tenor ) are singing in a Grand Opera Gala with full orchestra and chorus at Sunderland Empire at 7.30pm , Saturday March 28 .
13 It moves the word you are typing to a new line when it enters an invisible margin running down the right-hand side of the screen .
14 ALL over Britain , office , shopping and road projects launched in the sunny days of the late 1980s are drawing to a close and building workers , their companies and shareholders are facing the economic equivalent of deep mid-winter .
15 THE school holiday are drawing to a close so take advantage of an offer from Red Funnel ferries and give the kids something to talk about when the new term starts by popping across to the Isle of Wight .
16 Universities and colleges are looking to expand their intakes , but are drawing on a shrinking population of 18-year-olds .
17 For any given program there is an optimum or efficient memory usage for an environment in which many programs are competing for the limited available real memory .
18 Sheffield Steelers are sweeping the opposition aside in their bid to gain league entry , while Trafford Metros , Medway Bears and Streatham Redskins are competing for the other vacancy .
19 Some of the country 's top long distance runners are competing in a big 10 kilometre race , which includes an inter-counties match and the Gloucestershire county championship .
20 Top names enter DARTS : Dennis Priestley , the 1991 world champion , and many other big names are competing in the Northumbrian Open at Haggerston Castle this weekend .
21 Egg producers must recognise that they are competing in the sophisticated food industry of the late 1980s and that they have a responsibility to the consumer .
22 Building on the work of the Japan Industrial Studies Programme already carried out at the Policy Studies Institute , the aim is to find out how Japanese managers , especially those in companies that are competing in the British market , see marketing and how they succeed in putting their strategies into effect .
23 Erm elsewhere in my statement I have indicated an appropriate provision of employment land which is related to the population size which we are suggesting for the new settlement .
24 Work on the launch and the focus of the appeal is close to completion and we are benefitting from the good offices of our advertising industry contacts .
25 Through it , Palestinians are struggling on a daily basis to shake off Israel 's authority and to construct their own .
26 However tough things seem , it 's vital that you should keep your spirits up , and remember that acting is an art and a thrilling one — though sometimes when you are struggling with the frustrating process of building a career , this can all get a bit obscured .
27 SOLO FLIGHT Manson Bluebird Things are cooking in the fertile minds of Britain 's guitar builders .
28 In Orkney , favourite destination for many southerners fleeing the rat race , personal computers and modems are proliferating like the local rabbits .
29 Pels-Leusden in Berlin , and Wolfgang Werner 's Berlin and Bremen galleries and Edwin Vömel in Düsseldorf are collaborating on a large-scale project designed as a tribute to a largely undiscovered sculptor , Hermann Blumenthal ( 1905–42 ) .
30 But England are sticking by the dashing 22-year-old with a self-destruct button , and will probably send him to learn self-control in the hard school of Australia .
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