Example sentences of "are [vb pp] into [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are plenty of references to various studies which are pressed into support of this theory , giving it the appearance of authority .
2 A very wide variety of cases are received into care under this section .
3 With all the ingredients in hand , a regular slot on the weekly network schedule is assigned , and the entire cast meets for several hours ' ’ wood-shed ’ rehearsal where the individual numbers are whittled into shape for the performance .
4 On a molecular level , photosynthesis begins when light quanta excite banks of chlorophyll molecules that are arranged into networks of microscopic antennae protruding from the photosynthetic membranes .
5 Thus all attainments for which the government believes it important enough to legislate are arranged into hierarchies of knowledge , understanding and skill through which all children will progress .
6 Perhaps the biggest area of misunderstanding here is in our approach to our American customers and competitors , where we are lulled into complacency by our similar language .
7 Inequalities forged or reinforced in the labour market are carried into retirement via occupational and state ( earnings-related ) pension schemes .
8 The beetles burrow under the dead animals , removing the earth from below so that the animals sink down into the soil , where they are rolled into balls for the reception of the beetles ' eggs and developing larvae .
9 First of all they are sorted into groups of similar material : pottery , brooches , pieces of worked stone , and so on ; these may be sent at this stage to various specialists , who will study them and write a technical report .
10 The finds are laid out on work surfaces and are sorted into groups of similar material , either in a single stage if there are very few , or in batches .
11 Modules are grouped into packages by links which vary according to the particular requirements of the project .
12 There are two methods of making these blinds ; Method 1 gives a professional finish using narrow wooden laths , which are slotted into channels in the lining to keep the pleats defined and neatly layered ; Method 2 is simpler , using vertical rows of tape and rings , and creates a softer , less rigid line which is more suitable for use at a small window .
13 Yet most of Terry Parsons ' generally handsome sets are impressively solid-looking , and are moved into place with machine-like efficiency by the stage crew .
14 Most congregations are subdivided into groups of various kinds .
15 Small birds such as wheatear and meadow pipits arrive as insects are stirred into motion by the growing heat of the sun , and most of the sea-birds make sure their arrival is synchronised to the hatching or arrival of fish or fish fry .
16 The two Daves won various prizes in the lead-up to the big prize — when a professional darts player throws the darts , and his points are turned into pounds for a charity chosen by the contestants .
17 In them you have real situations which are turned into stories with a message , which is just what I do with rap . ’
18 Apparently industrialised nations and their politicians torture themselves into believing that if Third World countries are turned into amphitheatres of food and agricultural research , lustily cheered on and abetted by Western ‘ gurus ’ , everything will be hunky-dory .
19 " The intelligent use of quotations … requires skill : too often quotations are thrust into answers in such a way that they distort argument or lead candidates into ever-increasing irrelevance …
20 Inheriting the Greek love of order and logic , Islamic gardens — like their buildings — are regimented into lines of perfect symmetry ; balance and design is all ; nothing is left to impulse or chance .
21 Low temperature melt sticks are pushed into back of gun and trigger pressure forces the melted glue out of the nozzle
22 We are betrayed into captivity with our own co-operation .
23 Its contents are classified into chapters on spelling and pronunciation , locative names ( from English , French and other continental languages ) , surnames of relationship , those from native and other personal names , from offices held or occupations followed , compound names and nicknames of all kinds , oaths , colloquial expressions and phrases which have given rise to family names .
24 These four counts are transformed into estimates of probability by dividing each by the total number of observations .
25 A list of keys in sequential order is fed into the program and the keys are transformed into addresses in the usual way .
26 If we consider why communication might have evolved , we are drawn into types of arguments and speculations which are much less familiar to the lay-person .
27 Before perming , hair is prepared with a deep cleansing shampoo and curls are locked into place with a postperm treatment .
28 NEARLY 100,000 young people go missing in Britain each year , many of whom are lured into prostitution in fear of their lives by ‘ the unscrupulous and powerful ’ , according to a study into the country 's first safe house for young runaways .
29 Likewise , modules are entered into LIFESPAN from this account .
30 Profit and loss accounts and assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiary undertakings are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange ruling on the balance sheet date .
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