Example sentences of "are [vb pp] [adv] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 As the hon. Gentleman knows , whenever we make comparisons the figures that we quote are adjusted backwards to ensure that we quote them on a truly comparable basis in all instances .
2 The other two cases are included primarily to emphasize that a wide variety of phenomena is contained within the Lorenz equations , although , since yet further variety can be obtained by varying r/r c and b , they can do so only by example .
3 Newbolt 's attitude is still very common — not only among the British ( especially those who have come under the influence of F. R. Leavis ) , but also among American free versifiers who think they are an avantgarde and who are muddled enough to think that they have Pound 's authority to back them .
4 We are forced immediately to see that Blanche is addicted to alcohol .
5 Many instructions are required just to specify that two numbers be divided .
6 They are mentioned here to illustrate that lines of thought and research do not always converge .
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