Example sentences of "are [adv] [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Six of these are intended for documents which are predominantly composed of one type of text ; the other two are provided for use with texts which combine these basic tagsets .
2 Here our passages are widely separated from one another , yet parallel each other .
3 There are 171 verses of Matthew that are closely paralleled by 151 verses in Luke ; and 90 verses of Matthew are loosely paralleled by 94 in Luke .
4 TNPs are analytically distinguished on three levels , economic , political and cultural-ideological , what I take to constitute the sociological totality .
5 Britain simply can not afford anomalies that are so damaging to one of its strategic manufacturing industries , to its balance of payments , not to mention tax revenue .
6 You 're only covered per consignment , so the whole twelve together are only insured for fifteen
7 Heathrow has , at least , the marginal advantage of being civilized , in that the cattle are gently shifted from one place to another rather than being herded anonymously .
8 Attempts to trade on the location of the short-run Phillips curves means the equilibria that governments try to engineer are successively found at 1 , 2 and 3 , assuming that incorporates the initially expected inflation rate .
9 The peaks of these complexes are successively located on one side of the baseline and then on the other , and this positive then negative polarity in the frontal plane of the ECG creates the typical twisting-about-a-point appearance ( fig 1 ) .
10 Replies are normally obtained within five working days of making the enquiries .
11 Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours of our receiving your order .
12 Orders are normally dispatched within 28 days .
13 Orders are normally dispatched within 28 days .
14 Buildings , ranges of building or parts of buildings are normally rated as one risk unless they are separated by walls that comply with the Rules for Fire Break Walls and floors that comply with the Rules for Fire Break Floors .
15 Benefits are normally limited to 12 or 24 months .
16 Most events take about two hours and are normally limited to 20 places , so booking in advance is essential .
17 Students entering an advanced course of study are normally registered from 1 October .
18 Orders are normally despatched within 28 days , please allow for carriage .
19 This is due firstly to their short maturity ( treasury bills are normally issued for ninety-one days ) together with the fact that they can be quickly bought and sold before maturity in a highly organised market .
20 The results of these searches ( other than the local land charges search ) are normally supplied within two to three working days after the date of their submission .
21 These are best cut into eight instead of four .
22 Where this can not be done and the chance of subjective bias remains , experimental subjects are best divided into two groups — one group to receive the ‘ active ’ drug ( D ) , the other to receive a placebo ( P ) ; this is literally a ‘ provider of comfort ’ and is an inactive imitation of the true drug that is identical in appearance , taste , etc .
23 As Table 1.4 showed , the ‘ duplication ’ of the universities and polytechnic/colleges in professional courses is more apparent than real , since certain types of professional courses are largely concentrated in one sector and there may be differences of emphasis between courses in the same subject .
24 The efforts to simulate weightlessness in 2001 are largely omitted in 2010 except where obviously unavoidable such as inside HAL 's ‘ brain ’ and , especially , in space itself , between the Leonov and the long-abandoned Discovery , Bowman 's ship .
25 It is true to say that the cars are largely restricted to three or four models , but my own insistence had been from the outset that no obligation to use the scheme should be imposed on the disabled , nor any obligation to a particular model .
26 Courses are generally run by two ESL specialists , one of whom is an experienced trainer but who does not necessarily have classroom teaching experience in the subject area being addressed while the second is chosen because they have worked in the subject area , usually as part of a language support team , but sometimes because they themselves have training and/or experience in the subject area .
27 Printers are generally broken into two main categories ; impact and non-impact .
28 Worldwide fluctuations are generally caused by one or more of the rug-producing countries altering their levels of production or the basic cost of their rugs .
29 Recipes in magazines and books ( and cooking times on many pre-packed foods ) are generally based on 600 to 700 W. If you buy a more powerful oven , you 'll need to reduce the cooking time by about 25 per cent , or lower the power level to the equivalent of 600 to 700 W and cook for the normal time .
30 The southern heathlands are generally considered as one of the most rapidly diminishing habitats , principally through conversion to forestry .
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