Example sentences of "are [verb] as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The SFA requirements relating to notifications , consents or instructions to or from indirect customers who are treated as the firm 's customers ( see page 25 above ) , and customer agreements with them , can be discharged by reference to the intermediary ; this , however , does not apply where the intermediary acts for only one indirect customer .
2 In each node of the bottom layer , the inputs are treated as the address of a cell .
3 Thus the shareholders in the company are treated as the electorate , and the directors are regarded as the legislature .
4 Practices such as witchcraft are treated as the outcome of structural features , filtered through the unconscious , and manifested in uncontrolled expressions of fear , guilt or frustration .
5 Much of women 's rural work , such as caring for poultry , milking and craftwork within the home is not included , as men are registered as the family breadwinners , as farmers , and women as housewives .
6 Although it is from 1 to 3 km below sea level off Java , along most of the coast of Sumatra parts of it are exposed as the Mentawai and other islands ( Figs 3.9 and 3.14 ) .
7 Antinuclear antibodies with the homogeneous pattern ( ANA-H ) and smooth muscle antibodies with antiactin specificity ( SMA-AA ) are regarded as the serum markers of type-1 autoimmune chronic hepatitis .
8 Thus the shareholders in the company are treated as the electorate , and the directors are regarded as the legislature .
9 They are regarded as the elite amongst the prostitutes .
10 He argues ‘ though God exists totally outside of culture , while humans exist totally within culture , God chooses the cultural milieu in which humans are immersed as the arena for his interaction with people ’ ( Kraft 1979:114 ) .
11 Such studies exemplify the kind of fetishism to which material culture studies are always prone , when people are superseded as the subject of investigation by objects , and become essentially labels for their movement or pattern .
12 You will notice on the printed sheet that Ashbone and Wallis of Twitchit are named as goalkeeper and centre-half for Dorning , and that the Saliki twins of Dorning are named as the Twitchit substitutes .
13 In liberal democratic circles , those most strongly identified with the dissident tradition , the 1989 revolutions are seen as the chance to embark on a qualitatively new political future .
14 Eggs are seen as the symbol of new life .
15 Two of the main factors that need to be kept in equilibrium are heat and cold and most illnesses and diseases are seen as the product of excessive heat or cold .
16 This article tells the story of a community health centre which is committed to the principle of self-evaluation by its own staff and by village health workers who are seen as the interface between the health centre and the community .
17 The state is viewed as an instrument of capital and state policies such as immigration and race relations legislation are seen as the outcome of deliberate , thus ‘ rational ’ , manipulation by agents of capital and the capitalist state .
18 Anything less involves wasted potential and the limiting factors are seen as the time and energy of the carers .
19 Men are seen as the enemy and are fought through re-education away from the colonialist ideas that women should be quiet and biddable .
20 Women are seen as the source of compassion , love and harmony .
21 The second part of the book , " Models and methods " , proposes a view of literary communication in which the sylistic properties of texts are seen as the result of a complex process of mediation between a variety of situational , social and cultural forces .
22 Let us also celebrate and exploit the opportunities that have been created by new media , and ensure that bookshops are seen as the distribution channel of choice , and that we do all we can to make the book the natural bedfellow of these emerging products .
23 String variables are written as the character bytes in the string plus a carriage-return .
24 Yes benefits will not be paid if you are injured as the result of hazardous activities such as diving , mountaineering , rock or cliff-climbing , pot-holing , cycling , motorcycling , parachuting , sport as a professional , rugby , racing other than on foot , or aviation except Air Travel .
25 Thus he writes , ‘ Basic statements are accepted as the result of a decision or agreement , and to that extent they are conventions ’ , and again ,
26 Certainly the company has a legal personality separate from that of the directors , but where the directors as the defendants take money from the company , they are acting as the company .
27 As infancy progresses , the ultradian peaks at night are missed as the effect of the daily ( 24-hour ) rhythm becomes dominant .
28 Cards are used as the medium which translates the pattern into a mechanical function on the Jacquard loom .
29 Odours and fumes given off from pans in which fish is fried , particularly when rancid oils or vegetable oils are used as the frying medium , are liable to give rise to objections from nearby residents .
30 Fourthly , detailed evaluation and monitoring procedures must exist which are used as the basis for managing change .
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