Example sentences of "are [verb] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She will ensure that women 's voices are heard at the highest level .
2 The cumulative runtimes from the beginning of the movie are given at the right hand edge of the page .
3 If the same dose and type of insulin are given at the same time each day and either the food intake or the amount of physical activity fluctuates to a significant degree , the consequences are going to be unacceptable hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia .
4 Since threadworms can spread so easily , it is recommended that all the family are treated at the same time .
5 Output is allocated among plants so that all are producing at the lowest point on their average cost curves .
6 Up to a hundred jobs are to go at the Nationwide Building Society .
7 First tonight 250 jobs are to go at the Royal Ordnance Rocket Research Plant which pioneered the infamous Blue Streak project .
8 There 's speculation tonight that up to two hundred jobs are to go at the Dowty Landing Gear factory at Staverton near Gloucester .
9 Generally , independent advisers are registered at the Financial Intermediaries , Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association ( FIMBRA ) .
10 Example 4:4 Turnover rent YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days : ( 1 ) the annual sum of £ ( " the basic rent " ) ; and ( 2 ) such sum as is calculated in accordance with the Schedule hereto ( " the turnover rent " ) SCHEDULE ( 1 ) In this schedule the following expressions have the following meanings : ( a ) " gross turnover " means the aggregate of all sums : ( i ) received by the tenant in return for goods supplied or services rendered in the course of any trade or business carried on by him in the demised property or partly in the demised property and partly elsewhere ; and ( ii ) payable to the tenant by any person in consideration of the use or occupation of the whole or any part of the demised property ( b ) " a rental year " means a period of twelve calendar months beginning on ( c ) " net turnover " means the gross turnover less : ( i ) any sum actually paid by the tenant to HM Commissioners of Customs and Excise by way of VAT or other tax chargeable on the supply of goods or services ; ( ii ) any sum refunded by the tenant to his customers in respect of defective or unsatisfactory goods or services ; ( iii ) per cent of any sums received by the tenant in return for services for which orders are received at the demised property but are performed wholly elsewhere ( d ) " qualified accountant " means a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ( 2 ) The turnover rent for a rental year shall be : ( a ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ and ( b ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ ( 3 ) Within one month after the beginning of each rental year ( time being of the essence ) the tenant shall deliver to the landlord a certificate signed by a qualified accountant of the tenant 's gross turnover and net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year .
11 For the most detailed analysis the meshes are arranged at the closest possible intervals , but greater spacings by size may be used if less detail is required .
12 Tonight we are to lodge at the Blue Boar inn near High Cross , the same tavern the Usurper rested at before Bosworth .
13 Rapid nucleation is a zeroth-order process in which the growth centres are formed at the same time , and for each growth unit listed in table 11.3 , the corresponding values of the exponent would be .
14 At its top the uterus is two inches across , and from each side come the fallopian tubes , themselves about 4½ inches in length , which serve as the channel down which the ovum travels from the ovaries , which are situated at the far end of the fallopian tubes .
15 They are situated at the four points of a rhombus .
16 The vineyards of Mailly-Champagne are situated at the northern end of the village on fairly flat ground where they fare exceptionally well .
17 Too many little things are happening at the one time .
18 If one wishes to interview a client , one has to give notice about a week in advance , and sometimes interviews are cancelled at the last minute on the diktat of whoever is running Brixton prison .
19 Half seven the Hare and Hounds at Warsop and District Camera Club they 're meeting at the Hare and Hounds pub in Warsop and tonight they have a competition Slides in Action and seven thirty Slimmers Clubs U K are meeting at the Age Concern Centre Street in Beeston and seven thirty as well until eight thirty a mixed ability aerobics class is on in the gymnasium of Rainworth Recreation Centre that 's one fifty there and Joe Walker Zydeco Band direct from Louisiana are appearing at the Old Vic on Fletchergate at Nottingham tonight at half seven six pounds the tickets there four pounds concessions and they 're available on the door .
20 MacGillivrays from Australia and America are expected at the five-day shindig , to include treks , lectures and whisky swilling .
21 Hundreds of chief executive officers and senior Unix executives from all the Unix licensees and significant end-user sites are expected at the invitation-only affair .
22 Up to 10,000 are expected at the 12-hour party scheduled to begin at 8pm tomorrow on a private estate .
23 In spite of the shift to the political right there remains widespread support for state-funded programmes in education and health and for those which are targeted at the poor and the old .
24 Training Centres are located at the following Singer shops :
25 The remainder of Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Studies ( including the Large Animal Practice ) and the Department of Tropical Animal Health ( housed in the Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine ) are located at the Veterinary Field Station at Easter Bush , some 7 miles south of Summerhall .
26 The cells are lost from the tips of the folds and the stem cells are located at the very base of the folds .
27 The investments are reported at the lower of cost and net current value , the latter based on the enterprises ' most recent accounts .
28 The cashier holds the other key and the safe deposit box can only be opened if both locks are operated at the same time .
29 The large time-of-flight of the ions disperses them according to their energy : highest-energy ions arrive first in the atmosphere and are seen at the lowest latitudes .
30 The results of this research programme are disseminated at the pre-publication stage through a Discussion Paper series ; the success rate in placing these papers in academic journals is remarkably high .
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