Example sentences of "are [verb] and [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Learn to adjust your priorities as earlier assignments are completed and new ones taken on .
2 The effects of this pressure have emerged in at least one Modular Course evaluation study ( see Table 6.2 , Modular Course Management Structures ) , and a determined attempt has been made to configure the management system in such a way that Field Chairs participate in all Course development decisions , so that special needs are recognized and special difficulties can not be easily ignored .
3 What action would you take to ensure all records are amended and all departments are notified ?
4 Nursing students are at risk of enforced reduction in their clinical contact and theoretical integration unless roles are examined and restorative measures taken to redress any imbalances found .
5 A few days before discharge is expected , any services required are arranged and any drugs , dressings and appliances ( e.g. Mr Reynolds ' stoma equipment ) are ordered .
6 Every day bank deposits are withdrawn and fresh deposits made so that at the end of each day liquidity for each bank will be different from that at the beginning .
7 An example of this type of program is DEWDROP2 which allows pupils to examine how clouds are formed and different levels in temperature and height of clouds can be input by the teacher or pupils .
8 Only a small part of the side of the boat and rail are depicted and three blues show up again and again throughout the collection and seem to draw one 's attention to a detail otherwise missed .
9 This is a useful mechanism which allows the agreement to be easily updated by replacing schedules as old products are dropped and new ones added .
10 Managing projects across countries , and linking different databases on different equipment , are challenging and interesting prospects for information managers , and will oblige us to acquire scarce and commercially valuable expertise , available later for consultancy .
11 It is not really a cost of living index since many goods of a luxury nature are included and several items ( e.g. income tax , insurance premiums , etc. ) for which it is hard to identify ‘ units ’ of sale are excluded .
12 The components of nutrient systems treated are weathering and atmospheric inputs , the leaching output and nutrient cycling , and this leads to models of the system and to models of stability and change .
13 That is the orderly and sensible way to proceed , which is why we are pressing and encouraging others to press for the earliest possible membership of the former Soviet republics in the IMF .
14 We could describe them partly in terms of stress ( by saying , for example , that strong syllables are stressed and weak syllables unstressed ) , but until we describe what ‘ stress ’ means such a description would not be very useful .
15 Are regulated and unregulated firms likely to be equally efficient ?
16 Are frowning and haughty tyrants to be preferred to generous Lords ?
17 Discussion groups meet , theses are written and moral messages are read into each line of the scripts and all because of a Cheltenham wine merchant .
18 Some unique photographs are featured and visiting displays from museum , tourism and other private groups will enable a regularly changing exhibition throughout the Steam Festival .
19 The synthesis that the sociology of knowledge attempts is not , he stresses , a harmonic synthesis in which contradictions are eradicated and differing perspectives merged .
20 Now , they say , while the programme controllers of radio and television in Scotland , James Boyle and Colin Cameron still commission work and report to McCormick , the ultimate decision as to whether their programme strategies are accepted and funded lies with Ron Neil , the managing director of regional broadcasting in London .
21 Erm the president finds that people only obey his decisions if certain conditions are met and these conditions rarely come together .
22 Dominant values are upheld and dominant interests protected in the name of universal interests — in the child care case , in the cause of child welfare , which is assumed to be some kind of objectively assessable ‘ good thing ’ .
23 Proposals for the revision of the family Ophiacanthidae are made and four sub-families are erected .
24 It is noticeable that in other languages , in other societies , different terms are used and different distinctions are made .
25 For the overnight journeys from the channel port , transcontinental type coaches , fitted with toilet , bar for soft drinks , tea or coffee , compressed air or air conditioning systems are used and most seats are reclining .
26 Racking or positioning items correctly prior to machine entry particularly when mixed items are washed and larger items may obstruct jet access .
27 Many genes are transcribed and many proteins synthesized .
28 Self-delusion could easily once again cloud the judgment of the shadow cabinet and Labour could go it alone at the next election , perhaps with the same misplaced confidence in a ‘ safety first ’ stance that will deliver success if the dangers inherent in new initiatives are avoided and new ideas anathemised .
29 The result is that , whereas , for the passive reader , the novel effectively ends with Oliveira seemingly about to commit suicide by throwing himself out of a window , the active reader goes beyond this to the understanding that Oliveira 's jump into the void is a metaphorical leap into a metaphysical state , where conventional categories are abolished and dualistic contradictions reconciled .
30 Are gambling and other forms of risk taking true addictions ?
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