Example sentences of "are [verb] the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The problem of thinking we are attaching the same meaning to a word or action when we may not be can be appreciated humorously .
2 However , it can be understood as recommending that one live in such ; way that the various aspects of one 's being are given the same degree of power as they have of innate authority .
3 Individuals can apply for meals themselves — all applications are given the same consideration .
4 Cations of elements which only form one stable ion are given the same name as the element .
5 All volumes containing modules of the same charge code are given the same name , as specified by the user , but the serial number at the end of the volume name is incremented for each new volume that is opened .
6 One by one , calves and adults are given the same treatment .
7 Only a little thought will show what a nonsense this is , for , as we have just seen , no two individuals manifest their illnesses in exactly the same way even if they are given the same disease label .
8 In other words , we are seeing the same film , but it is the negative that is now being presented to us .
9 Do n't confuse this with the time-up bell , especially when many areas are in close proximity and all are using the same type of bell .
10 The newspaper coverage may have contributed to bringing the crime into the public domain , but essentially the press and the police are using the same repertoire of scripts .
11 Now there are less than 30,000 and those 30,000 are producing the same amount of milk as the higher number did previously .
12 We gladly accept all these rightful strictures and if we are to enjoy the same success with councils we have to accept their bye-laws , too .
13 The more people there are helping the less time it takes .
14 All three patterns , the written , diagrammatical and the digital , are knitting the same shape , a rectangle .
15 Success Sunderland are adopting the same formation that brought Ipswich success in the 70s , and the results have been encouraging enough to persuade the 37-year-old boss to call off his search for a midfield playmaker .
16 We are rowing the same boat , I think — ’
17 The tops and bottoms of Jack 's windows are sloping the same amount as the hillside .
18 When Montaigne and Bacon stress the determining power of social custom they are developing the same idea of an order prior to and determining of consciousness , though now of course with the crucial difference that it is a non-teleological order , historical rather than divine , material rather than metaphysical .
19 It holds more true of some of us than of others , that in the struggle to make it new we are writing the same book all our lives ; and with Dostoevsky this truth is very true .
20 Now what we have to know is whether or not they are in fact getting these contracts because they are the best and the cheapest , or whether they are getting it because they have the best connections and they are paying the most money .
21 The vole , he says , appears to be coming perilously close to being endangered ; and this means that Britain 's wetlands are going the same way .
22 As a supporter of the lower divisions and non-League football , I am becoming increasingly alienated from the game at the top level and I believe many thousands of people are going the same way .
23 And last , but not least , centres must ensure that procedures are in place to allow those staff who are teaching the same module to talk to each other so that internal standardisation — essential in a devolved system such as National Certificate — can take place .
24 If the majority of patients are undergoing the same type of surgery there may even be standard care plans or checklists to guide the nurses .
25 Univel Inc and its Novell Inc parent are sharing the same order entry system .
26 Molecules are sharing the same body with their remote molecular cousins .
27 In fact , it is extremely hard to determine just exactly where you are experiencing the most hostility and hassle — at home or at work ?
28 For now if you , as a supplier , observe a rise in the price of the good on your island of 10 per cent you can not be certain whether all other markets are experiencing the same rise on average .
29 ‘ We are experiencing the same sort of trend today as in Victorian times , when religious puritanism led to the editing out of potentially sexual and embarrassing aspects of Andersen 's tales , ’ said Professor Glyn Jones .
30 More and more doctors are facing the same sort of dilemma , as the proportion of elderly people increases in Britain and medical advances make it possible to keep alive patients who would previously have died .
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