Example sentences of "are [verb] in [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If as part of the task you specify the effect the programme is to have on the audience , you are building in the criteria by which that audience can judge the programme and you are giving them a purpose in viewing .
2 Six candidates are embroiled in a Commons clash over who will succeed Bernard Wetherill .
3 Other panels also show some similarities with those of mosaic C. In the two rectangular panels with large rhomboids , single ivy leaves are placed in the angles .
4 Further details are given in the Directors Report on page 38 of the Report and Accounts .
5 Details of these requirements are given in the tables of Degree Course Requirements on the following pages .
6 Certain courses require passes in specific subjects ; details of these course entry requirements are given in the tables .
7 Further details of all these ‘ creatures ’ are given in the Profiles section .
8 Where the circumstances are that a plaintiff ( such as a mail order company ) wishes to bring separate proceedings in one county court against a great number of defendants , provision is made for a combined request and particulars of claims by the Lord Chancellor 's Practice Directions made on 1 March 1979 and 17 March 1987 setting out full instructions ; these are given in the notes under Ord 3 , r 3 in The County Court Practice .
9 Details about the relaxed entrance requirements for candidates aged 21 or over are given in the admissions section of the prospectus but all such candidates should contact the faculty at an early date to obtain information about the subjects and grades they require to achieve for entry .
10 The problems encountered when constructing such drawings are given in the examples of the bridal head-dress painting , illustrated .
11 Examples of the use of two widely-available software packages for automated cartography ( SYMAP and GIMMS ) are given , using datasets which are listed in the appendices .
12 All of the many degree courses offered at the University of Edinburgh are listed in the tables of the section ‘ Degree Course Requirements ’ .
13 Where O or S passes are listed in the requirements for entry to a particular faculty or to a specific course , these must normally be at grades 1 , 2 or 3 for S grade , or grade C or better ( 7 or better from 1994 ) for O/GCSE .
14 I think of him sometimes , as the birds are singing in the hedges and the rising sun glints in the windows of houses across the bay .
15 Cash accounting , accruals accounting and commitment accounting are distinguished from each other by the point in time when expenses and revenues are recognized in the accounts , i.e. the point at which a given transaction generates a bookkeeping entry .
16 Two of the most exclusive beers in the world are drawing in the drinkers at the only pub where they 're sold .
17 It is involved in all the relations , institutions and structures which are implicated in the activities of production and reproduction in the life of societies ’ ( Held , 1984 , p. 235 ) .
18 There have been recent increases in the extent to which tenancies are registered in the names of both parties , again of benefit to the woman .
19 The audit report should refer to significant departures from SSAPs where either they are not explained in the accounts or they are explained in the accounts but the auditor does not concur .
20 The audit report should refer to significant departures from SSAPs where either they are not explained in the accounts or they are explained in the accounts but the auditor does not concur .
21 Firms are rationed in the goods market .
22 The chalk hills of the falaises are situated in the Reims and Épernay districts and comprise the Montagne de Reims , the Vallée de la Marne and the Côte des Blancs , the entire area of which , before human interference , was totally covered in forest .
23 Solar panels on the roof heat the stairwell and pre-heat the cold water in the tanks which are situated in the lofts .
24 The primary sources for the religious orders were the lives and experience of their first and founding sisters , but equally they were the early sources of Christianity itself , namely the Gospels and the experience of those primitive Christian groups whose stories are depicted in the Acts of the Apostles .
25 As the roller is drawn over the skin , hairs are trapped in the slits and plucked out .
26 The eggs and larvae are carried in the jaws of workers .
27 Where convertible debt , non-equity interests in shareholders ' funds or non-equity interests in minority interests , are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements rather than on the face of the balance sheet ( as required by paragraphs 22 , 34 or 44 ) on the grounds that they are not material , the relevant caption on the face of the balance sheet should state that convertible debt or non-equity interests ( as the case may be ) are included .
28 The interests of C A Johnson and J E Smith in the share capital of A. Layout Plc , the company 's ultimate holding company , are disclosed in the accounts of that company .
29 Many of the areas most fully developed theoretically in Bourdieu 's earlier work are simplified in the interests of achieving an understanding of the underlying structure of such a complex phenomenon as modern French society as a totality .
30 the basis on which debtors and creditors are included in the accounts ;
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