Example sentences of "are [verb] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 DIRE warnings are given of the consequences of taking the necessary measures to make cars more environment-friendly .
2 Fleeting glimpses are given of the Roulette team from Australia , Team 60 from Sweden and Esquadrilha da Fumaca from Brazil .
3 Details are given of the Clwyd Environmental Forum , which was set up to provide locally active organisations and statutory bodies with an opportunity to discuss issues of concern to the county 's environment and to promote the interchange of information and experience .
4 As this consciousness is immediately intertwined with the murmuring of the River Derwent , we are reminded of the poem about The Brook ( p. 34 ) and the ‘ poem upon the Wye ’ , as Tintern Abbey was sometimes called .
5 We are reminded of the controversy caused by Lord Kelvin 's incorrect estimate of Earth 's age based on models of cooling without radioactive heating .
6 In concentrating on these issues , we are reminded of the comments made by a distinguished Scottish judge in 1954 .
7 Thus this demanding people are reminded of the demands made of them , and given more than a hint of how terrible the consequences will be , if those demands are not met .
8 ( iii ) Practitioners are reminded of the danger of inadvertently holding out persons as partners in a firm by inclusion of both partners ' and non-partners ' names in a list .
9 Here are come of the issues and challenges we faced .
10 Quite correctly , the ACS insists that such contractors produce the same standards of catering that are expected of the ACC .
11 They are built of the teak , polished and varnished , and are well adapted to the Underground , whereas if ordinary coloured coaches were run they would soon show the dirt — as do the G.W. ‘ And now , ’ said Mr Coker , ‘ you shall see some of our crack rolling-stock — the finest trains in the Kingdom ’ .
12 They are made of the kind of ingredients that wild fish eat — insects , shrimps , meat , fish , and algae are among the usual list .
13 The systems approach is now explicitly used in biogeography and Simmons ( 1978 ) , for example , in discussion of the ecosystem scale distinguishes two approaches that are often made : one which is synoptic and develops from intuitive perception of an ecosystem to studies of ecological cohesion including , where relevant , the significance of human activity ; and another approach which is more analytical whereby measurements are made of the flow and partitioning of energy through the ecosystem and of the cycles of mineral nutrients within the system .
14 Remember that they are made of the hide of good beasts and still appreciate feeding , even after three or four hundred years .
15 Use instead a bowstring of rhinoceros hide , for it will snap asunder the bowstrings of all other bows to which the sound reaches whether these are made of the hide of wild ox , the horse , or even the flanks of a young nilgai .
16 The religious identity of the fisherman is of particular interest in the way that this relates to their membership of fishermen 's organisations and the uses that are made of the system of state supports to the fishing industry in the Province .
17 In the cellars are cupboards which are unusual in that they are made of the wood from the boxes used in the sugar trade with Brazil .
18 Skin cells owe their toughness to keratin , tendons are made of the protein collagen .
19 As assessments are made of the impact of tax changes on project economics , other oil companies are expected to join Amerada 's call for Government consultation with the industry on methods of increasing taxation without affecting incentive for re-investment in the UK .
20 The temperature at a pressure of 1 bar is taken as a reference point from which , using the adiabatic lapse-rates of the particular mix of materials at each depth and their equations of state ( section 2.1.4 ) , calculations are made of the temperatures pressures and densities at greater depths .
21 " The meeting also considering that some Complaints are made of the weights & measures of Isla , do appoint … a Committee for inspecting & adjusting same . "
22 Many romantic tales are told of the king 's subsequent wanderings .
23 Given the bodily likeness of the great apes to ourselves , and what we are told of the similarities of brain-size and structure , sensory apparatus , pregnancy span , and early cognitive competence , this is as it should be .
24 Dean , 32 , and accomplice Mark Gorevan , 26 , are accused of the attack in a deserted field near Prestatyn , North Wales , which left Thomas , 38 , bruised and left with cuts on his back , buttocks and thighs .
25 Dean , 32 , and accomplice Mark Gorevan , 26 , are accused of the attack in a deserted field near Prestatyn , North Wales , which left Thomas , 38 , bruised and left with cuts on his back , buttocks and thighs .
26 The brothers , both of no fixed address , are accused of the murders of Gary Pettitt and Jean Larkin .
27 They are accused of the abduction and murder of James and the attempted abduction of a second two-year-old boy .
28 Examples are provided of the use of medication , including stopping such treatment when it does not appear to be helping a patient .
29 It is , of course , outside the field of social policy , in industrial relations , that the best examples are found of the undermining of policy innovations by groups outside government .
30 Yet Mayerling , although based on what little facts are known of the life of Rudolf of Austria , barely suggests reality .
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