Example sentences of "are [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even toxic wastes might be reclaimed in this way , provided they are treated to make them safe .
2 But be warned : they may grow tall and leggy — plants are treated to make them short and bushy for one season .
3 Equally importantly , these code provisions are designed to make it difficult for a detained person to make unfounded allegations against the police which might otherwise appear credible .
4 Chief executive Jim Greenwood said : ‘ The work can not be done in a close season , so we are looking to start it next February and have the new stand ready for August , 1994 .
5 We are looking to make it simple for people . ’
6 Attempts are made to teach them German but in practice it is easier to teach the factory foreman enough Turkish to communicate with them .
7 Where there are third parties who need to be involved in resolving a dispute , expert determination will run into the same problems as multi-party disputes when attempts are made to submit them all to arbitration together : see Mustill and Boyd , pp143-4 .
8 Such measures are thought to make it possible to eliminate through traffic from Greatham apart from a maximum of six days a year the MoD would still require the closure of Woolmer Road .
9 So East 17 are going to save us all ?
10 But I 'm hoping we are going to give them some problems as well . ’
11 We are going to give you one week 's pay in respect of each couple of years of servi , years ' service .
12 ‘ It 's got to the point where he looks at you in the morning as if he 's wondering where we are going to send him next .
13 ‘ And you wo n't be over-horsed , not since you are going to ride him side-saddle . ’
14 C.C. was told : ‘ Sometimes we are going to show you red shapes on a green background , sometimes green shapes on a red background .
15 You then start worrying about how you are going to pay them all .
16 Or perhaps it proves that women tend to try to be attractive to upstage one another and they completely forget that men are going to find them attractive too . ’
17 ‘ So many of the other bands that come over are going to find it hard here because they do n't really sing and they do n't write songs in the traditional sense . ’
18 WITH their very predictable choice of players , particularly the number of England players , the Lions are going to find it tough in New Zealand .
19 Er that irrespective of their se sequestration and other ations erm or isms er they are going to sponsor us this year but not in future .
20 Unless children grow up in a family , they are bound to find it hard to share and , until she starts playing with other children 's toys , she may well think that all toys belong to her .
21 Though the coaches are scheduled to take you all the way to and from your accommodation , on occasion it may be necessary for Cosmos to employ a local coach for part of the way to and from your hotel in order to comply with strict Driver 's Hours regulations imposed to ensure your safety .
22 Since considerations of probability are to the fore in one part of actual scientific practice bearing on causation , and there is little attempt to go beyond them , and there is to hand the Probability Calculus , we are invited to take it that causation can come to no more than probability .
23 Too many organizations are involved to list them all , but nationally organized groups such as Red Cross and WRVS are prominent , and were frequently pioneers in the provision of meals services .
24 There are still examinations but students are allowed to take them several times to build up their confidence .
25 So things are getting more and more fraught with the folks back home who are determined to have him married .
26 Either way ( and the suspicion must be that some historians are determined to have it either way ) , blame for the collapse of the Carolingian state is laid at the door of the Frankish nobility .
27 We have brought down interest rates and we are determined to keep them low .
28 One social services source told Sunday Life : ‘ The RUC was given all the names of boys who were placed in the home between 1981 and 1983 and they are trying to track them all down .
29 I understand that two or three days are required to complete it all .
30 C is also a difficult language unless you are planning to use it full time and certainly not something to indulge in for fun .
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