Example sentences of "are [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You must give the exact critical values , right , if those critical values that you are using to compare with the regressionally significant whether you have serial correlation or not erm so they 're very very important and they ought to be included erm because otherwise we do n't know whether a test statistic is er statistically significant or not .
2 The research will monitor what coping strategies governing bodies are using to deal with the tasks and responsibilities given to them by the new educational legislation and will also focus on the identification of power relations ( including gender and race/ethnicity ) , decision making processes and networks of influence operating in the eight governing bodies .
3 ‘ It is important , if you are to continue to live in the same house . ’
4 Also in group situations , it may be the case that the senior executives are employed by the top company , so it will be necessary if they are to continue to work for the target to negotiate with each of them a revision to their service agreements .
5 Such an individual could choose to ignore conventional time-cues and so cocoon himself in an artificial world in which meals and artificial lighting are adjusted to accord with the dictates of his body clock — like the subject in a cave ( in chapter 2 ) and the opposite of what happens normally , when our life-style adjusts our body clock .
6 They are taught to look for the common signs of preparation that precede offences .
7 He writes : ‘ If we are pressed to see in the doctrine of the Trinity some clue to the sense that gender … must have something corresponding to it in the God-head , one would find in the unconditioned Unity of God something like the feminine in creation , while the differentiated Persons , on the other hand , have each a masculine denomination . ’
8 These are team meetings where the analysis and design specifications and other documentation are exposed to review by the members of the team .
9 This means that we have to specify a number of assumptions , and those we have chosen are intended to conform with the Keynesian view of how the economy works and at the same time to simplify the analysis in a way which enables us to see clearly how DD unemployment can arise .
10 The following assumptions are intended to conform with the Keynesian view of the economy and to simplify the analysis in such a way that enables us to make useful predictions .
11 Some have a loop around the spat , between stops , others have loops which are intended to go around the spar and the extension of the vinyl sockets .
12 The seminars are intended to act as the basis for developing a future programme of collaborative research in the periphery .
13 Read the manufacturer 's descriptions carefully , for some of the smaller pools are really rock pools which are intended to sit near the summit of a rock garden so that water tumbles down a cascade unit into a pool below .
14 It has been a fashion among Opposition Members — indeed , this was reported by the hon. Gentleman tonight — to suggest that the access funds alone are intended to compensate for the withdrawal of benefits generally and that the £25 million , which he correctly quoted , must , therefore , be inadequate .
15 To the extent that job cost records are intended to assist in the calculation of real profit margins these rates , excluding profits , are normally used .
16 They are designed to cope with the fact that judicial review actions often raise complex issues of public policy administrative practice which go well beyond the interests of the parties to the judicial review application and of the applicant in particular .
17 These are designed to deal with the situations where , under the TALISMAN system , a certificate is not issued to a particular type of transferee , or the company is entitled to and does refuse to register a transfer .
18 Interestingly , these sounds are designed to flow over the patch changes so , while patch selection is already hardly noticeable , this extra feature masks the change very well indeed .
19 The principles contained within the 1984 Act are designed to comply with the principles as stated in the Council of Europe Convention on Data Protection .
20 The portable screens are designed to fit round the witness box when needed to block the child 's view of the defendant but allow them to see magistrates and lawyers in the case .
21 Both items are designed to co-ordinate with the Rosamund Bedroom Collection , Marks & Spencer .
22 These projects , covering issues such as information requirements and the purchasing role of health authorities , are designed to work through the implications of the White Paper at a local level .
23 The subframes are designed to deform in the same manner as the robust bodyshell and thereby contribute to this energy absorption .
24 2.1 PSD modules are designed to provide for the development of skills and behaviours identified in the aims of the Action Plan ( Chapter 2 ) .
25 Freestanding machines are designed to slip under the worksurface and will line up with kitchen units at plinth and drawer level .
26 The main beds of the Silver Knitmaster , Brother and Toyota machines are designed to knit with the knitting hanging at right angles to the machine .
27 However , a few detectors are designed to run on the 1.5 volt C cells such as the Garrett Grand Master and the White 's Eagle Spectrum .
28 ‘ We looked with great interest at the issues raised in Professor Goode 's Consultation Document and our recommendations are designed to help in the task of securing a satisfactory basis for pension provision in the future ’ .
29 5.22 Defective premises To give notice to the Landlord of any defect in the Premises which might give rise to an obligation on the Landlord to do or refrain from doing any act or thing in order to comply with the provisions of this Lease or the duty of care imposed on the Landlord pursuant to the Defective Premises Act 1972 or otherwise and at all times to display and maintain all notices which the Landlord may from time to time [ reasonably ] require to be displayed at the Premises The difficulty here is that this covenant could impose an unfair obligation on the tenant and it should therefore be amended as follows : To give notice to the Landlord upon becoming aware of any defect … 5.23 New guarantor Within [ 14 ] days of the death during the Term of any Guarantor or of such person becoming bankrupt or having a receiving order made against him or having a receiver appointed under the Mental Health Act 1983 or being a company passing a resolution to wind up or entering into liquidation or having a receiver appointed to give notice of this to the Landlord and if so required by the Landlord at the expense of the Tenant within [ 28 ] days to procure some other person acceptable to the Landlord [ such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld ] to execute a guarantee in respect of the Tenant 's obligations contained in this Lease in the form of the Guarantor 's covenants contained in this Lease Although this may be perfectly fair and reasonable in that a guarantor 's covenants are expected to last during the period for which they are given , many tenants try to resist this covenant on the basis that it may be extremely difficult for the tenant to produce an alternative guarantor .
30 In Minor Project schools , no link person is designated , and this means that the DCSLs have considerable autonomy in working with the schools , though they are expected to liaise with the project team through the regular monthly meetings of library staff which the ACL:E&SS holds .
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