Example sentences of "are [verb] [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 The remainder are calculated by calibrating the theoretical model such that the parameters are consistent with equilibrium in the market in a given period .
2 Transition probabilities p(1) to p(4) in Table 6.2 are calculated by counting the number of times the business executive stayed in city a and subsequently ( i ) stayed the next day in city a , ( ii ) moved to city b , ( iii ) moved to city c , ( iv ) moved to city d .
3 Attendance rates are calculated by dividing the number of openings in the school register by the number of pupils present .
4 Attendance rates are calculated by dividing the number of openings in the school register by the number of pupils present .
5 At the stepping rates considered in this Chapter we are justified in regarding the rotor velocity as constant ; the system inertia is sufficient to maintain a steady speed , even if the motor torque varies slightly during each step .
6 The problems arise when we shift to the first person , asking how we come to have knowledge of the world , and asking how we are justified in dismissing the possibility that reality is wholly other than we take it to be .
7 You are an alien , and so men may believe they are justified in breaking the Yasa to encompass your death . ’
8 Private companies can get rid of the pre-emptive rights — by altering their articles , again by special resolution — unless and until the articles are altered by deleting the relevant clause .
9 On-screen guidelines are given for changing the ink cartridge , which does 60 pages at a cost of around 2.5 pence each .
10 Easy to follow instructions on how to use this service are given by ringing the above number .
11 The odds of an outcome are given by dividing the number of times the outcome occurred by the number of times it did not occur .
12 The pre-printed endorsements are listed below showing the form on which they appear .
13 ( The court 's powers , however , are limited to remitting the decision to the secretary of state for reconsideration . )
14 Tactical options are limited to selecting the team and general player positions ( goalie , defence , midfield , attack ) .
15 B types are broken on mixing the two components .
16 They are collaborating on integrating the software into the distributed architecture of HaL 's systems and say they will extend Motif for mission-critical applications .
17 The sooner the animals are checked after mating the less the likelihood of the plug falling out prior to detection .
18 Lift pump types are distinguished by having the pump mechanisms on top of a fixed reservoir .
19 The second comment is that loadings on the 17.18 ex Salop train have been so good that the caterers are experimenting with extending the buffet service from Saturdays only into the week .
20 Frosts and flooding are blamed for causing the damage on more than three thousand miles of the county 's roads .
21 For example , column charts with non-zero baselines are standard output from some popular spreadsheets and differences between series are distorted by truncating the columns whose lengths represent magnitude .
22 But when companies are fined for breaking the health and safety laws , they only get fined a pittance , compared to what damage is caused to employees through companies ' neglect and law breaking .
23 Great things are expected of Meeting the Dawn by Hishida Shunso ( est £130,000 ) .
24 The false doctrines of Rome are attacked by repeating the judgement of the mass found in the Articles of the Episcopalian Church of England , of which the Queen is the head ; thus correct religious belief is linked to loyalty to the monarch and the loyalty issue is again raised in describing the priest as the agent of ‘ a foreign power ’ .
25 Records are added by changing the pointer references ( see Figure 5.9(d) ) .
26 The Government are committed to sustaining the momentum of parliamentary reform .
27 The new act clearly falls far short of the demand for freedom of information legislation with a presumption that all official information is in the public domain except where there are clearly defined reasons for restricting disclosure and where there is adequate monitoring to ensure that civil servants and politicians are committed to implementing the principles behind the legislation .
28 They start with the tribal favourite ‘ Wipe It Away ’ , but it 's new songs like ‘ Hit On Me ’ which have started to attract attention in the States , where their label , Dali , are committed to breaking the band .
29 Above all , we are committed to providing the best service in the business . ’
30 ‘ I have worked closely with Technology on a number of service projects and I know that they are committed to providing the best possible service , ’ said John .
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