Example sentences of "by the [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This process is aided and abetted by the trend over the past twenty years to encourage the active participation of fathers in the process of childbirth itself .
2 It was decided I should go to special school and my mother 's objections were mollified by the proof of the academic success that many girls achieved there .
3 The courts may be impressed by the expertise of the social workers ; alternatively , they may tend to side with parents faced with the power of the Social Services Departments .
4 The second part of Acts is dominated by the mission to the Gentiles , under the leadership of Paul .
5 ‘ that , although , by the indulgence of the court , a statutory tenant might be permitted to continue to occupy premises after the making of an order for possession , he was not , during such a period of occupation , a statutory tenant with all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts which he had enjoyed before the order for possession was made ; and , consequently , the daughter could not claim protection as a ‘ tenant ’ under section 12 , subsection ( 1 ) … ’
6 Innovations crossed frontiers more quickly in an age of easy communication , and processes could be exported by the entrepreneur to the place where they would find the resources and markets they needed .
7 The debate itself was marred by the inexperience of the speakers .
8 Such proceedings received statutory sanction by the Ordinance of the Forest in 1306 : Edward I decreed that :
9 Bernice was blown off her feet by the shockwave from the explosion .
10 Some of the gains made by the nobility in the campaigns of the 1340s and 1350s have already been discussed , but the opportunities for enrichment were open to men of all ranks .
11 The part played by the nobility in the debates about taxation in these years has never been satisfactorily analysed , but it appears that the initiative lay almost entirely with the commons .
12 In 1536 , when the court of augmentations was established to deal with the lands acquired by the Crown through the dissolution of the smaller monasteries , Stumpe was appointed a receiver for north Wales , with a generous travelling allowance besides his salary of £20 p.a .
13 If proven that it constitutes Treasure Trove ( i.e. it was buried with the intention of later removal , rather than as part of a funerary burial ) , it is most likely to be retained by the Crown for the British Museum and the finder paid a sum equal to the market value of what is retained .
14 A comparison of the statements with the evidence of the two important witnesses reveals a small but not insignificant number of discrepancies , only one of which was disclosed by the Crown to the defence .
15 Questions of privilege are themselves justiciable and have , on occasion , been referred by the Crown at the instance of the House in question to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ; what approach would be proper in such a circumstance ?
16 One was the court of the Duchy of Lancaster , which administered the lands gained by the Crown at the accession of Henry of Lancaster in 1399 .
17 Reg. v. Grant and Hewitt , 12 J.L.R. 585 , although it adds nothing to the established principles , is an example of inconsistent previous statements wrongly withheld by the Crown at the trial but properly , if belatedly , disclosed on appeal , so that a conviction depending on evidence of identification was quashed for want of a fair trial .
18 Judges were appointed by the Crown on the advice of the Lord Chancellor , and magistrates by the Lord Chancellor on the recommendations of locally based advisory committees .
19 Because of the ranking procedure , shares of income run from 0 to 100 per cent as all income must be held by the total of the income-holding units .
20 The range of human tasks has already been indicated by the description of the extremes of procedural and diagnostic task analysis .
21 This suggestion appears to be supported by the description of the demon monster Asakku , with his single-eyed solar head in the epic LUGAL UD ME-LÁM-bi Nir-GÁL .
22 The low style is surely recalled by the colloquial " " Hé " " given to God and St Peter as noted above , and the high by the description of the young wife in Les Trois Boçus : ( a beautiful girl So beautiful that she was a delight And if I should tell you the truth I do not think that Nature ever made Any more beautiful creature . )
23 Obviously , these implicatures are not yielded by the description of the occasion as a performance .
24 ‘ How is it going ? ’ he asked eventually , hostility not quite masked by the neutrality of the question .
25 Enthusing about his Yamaha set-up , Mark was particularly impressed by the clarity of the SY99 's sounds along with the string sounds available from the TG77 .
26 I was a little unsettled by the fury of the blizzard , and hugged the top of the ridge all the way along , but avoided taking in the top due west of Cairn Gorm in case I was blown off my feet .
27 However , it was said that the prima facie rule could be displaced : ( 1 ) by express words ; ( 2 ) by contra-indications in the rent review clause ; ( 3 ) by the interrelationship of the rent review clause and other clauses in the lease .
28 ( iii ) By the interrelationship of the rent review clause and other clauses in the lease The classic case of the interrelationship of the rent review clause and other clauses in the lease making time of the essence is a case where the tenant has an option to determine the term by the service of a break notice .
29 Similarly on glaciers , the impact on a crevasse fall is greatly lessened by the friction of the rope cutting into the crevasse edge , and the load is easily held by sitting down on the surface and digging in the heels .
30 A white woman named Jane has come here from London , drawn by the glamour of the Third World , supposing herself to have arrived where the action is , where the ‘ doers ’ are .
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