Example sentences of "by [art] same [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The study will be linked with a follow-up survey of minibuses in Britain , being undertaken by the same researchers on behalf of the Transport & Road Research Laboratory .
2 Why are England expected to settle for it and be happy with a ‘ well done ’ and a pat on the back then the next day be criticised by the same pressmen for not catching the ball at vital moments !
3 Several of the hotels and guest houses in the area have been owned and managed by the same families for generations , and a tradition of personal service has grown up .
4 DESPITE a disappointing tour of Pakistan , where they went down 1–4 in the one-day series , Sri Lanka have stuck by the same players for this competition .
5 There is nothing in the Bill which gives the slightest safeguard against that sort of asset stripping by the same companies to which sections of the National Bus Company were sold .
6 But here too the peasant was tied to the land , taxed ever more heavily , and confronted by the same obstacles to economic self-improvement .
7 Two points are worth remembering from all this : perfect swims do n't last forever and for every one that declines another will have been changed by the same forces into an excellent one .
8 Water in the pores of rock and soil in the unsaturated zone of the ground is held in place by the same forces of surface tension .
9 An important aspect of Piaget 's approach is his claim that , since children the world over are very similar physiologically and neurologically , and since the world they explore is regulated by the same laws of nature , progress , in terms of their ability to make sense of the world , will be broadly consistent across all children .
10 A shopkeeper who refused to sell constables cigarettes at a discount and complained of the illegal sale of similar goods to the public from their own trading organization , the Police Guild , could find himself summonsed by the same officers for employing children under age ( which in turn gave rise to the banning of the Police Guild by the Watch Committee ) .
11 The more valuable emergency aid was siphoned off by foreign ministry officials for their own use or re-sale ( just as many of the outpourings of Western sympathy for the orphans and destitute of Ceauşescu 's Romania were purloined by the same fat-cats in the ministries early in 1990 after the fall of their master ) .
12 But the disparate elements which made up his southern affinity were linked , both to each other and to the northern retinue , by the same bonds of ducal patronage and personal relationship which gave internal cohesion to the northern retinue itself .
13 But the disparate elements which made up his southern affinity were linked , both to each other and to the northern retinue , by the same bonds of ducal patronage and personal relationship which gave internal cohesion to the northern retinue itself .
14 Also , it is by no means a foregone conclusion that the ‘ expert ’ way is either ‘ correct ’ or ‘ more appropriate , ’ nor that the conclusions need always be reached by the same processes of thought and action .
15 That is , they make crystal clear something which is implied in The German Ideology , that the history of mankind is governed by the same processes in all times , and that the main one of these processes is class conflict .
16 There are very few exercises that do not put undue strain on the body ; this strain is caused by the same habits of muscular tension and lack of coordination that we use for everything else ( perhaps even more so ) .
17 Compare this with a ‘ puzzle ’ structure used by the same authors with a similar age group of children who had asked for a ‘ horror mystery ’ drama .
18 Just over five and a half years later , I stood on the same spot and watched the Israelis drive down the same road to be greeted in precisely the same way by the same Christians on the same balconies .
19 For two months , while the fighting swayed back and forth overseas , Bishop Hrolf , released by the same storms from sentinel duty in the islands , took it upon himself to oversee the defences of the more vulnerable parts of the mainland .
20 And the same amount of things per head of the population will have been produced in the same ways by the same classes of people for many generations together ; and therefore this supply of the appliances for production will have had full time to be adjusted to the steady demand .
21 If Scotland is to maintain the highest level of research capability to match that of universities south of the Border , then research money must follow quality as judged by the same standards throughout the UK ( however imperfect these measurements are ) .
22 The scores obtained by a group of children for the odd items can then be compared with the scores obtained by the same children for the even-numbered items .
23 Now someone whose doctor is elderly could quite naturally refer to him or her using ( 45 ) where superscript 3 indicates rising tone while mid tone is indicated by the absence of a superscript numeral : ( 45 ) The following sentence : ( 46 ) is also perfectly acceptable , and might even be translated by the same words of English but it carries instead the meaning that the person concerned ( who might be twenty-six years old and a fairly fresh graduate from medical college ) has been established as one 's doctor for some time and is not , for example , another practitioner who has recently moved into the district .
24 Finally , the course and outcome of the disorder will be affected by the same kinds of events and environment , and by certain treatment and rehabilitation measures .
25 The musical coherence produced by the same techniques in Arion is rare in the cantata , for its composers generally yielded to Italian influence in seeking vivid contrasts between movements .
26 Even if working-class crime is promoted by the same features of capitalism as produce socialist consciousness this is no basis for automatically equating them : working-class crime may express purely personal goals or , if there are some wider underlying objectives , they can not necessarily be assumed to be socialist ones .
27 Ideas of identity and insider integrity in the late 1980s are sustained by the same symbols of status and denigration which have existed since at least the mid-1950s .
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