Example sentences of "by [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Eventually in 1858 Earl Stanhope moved in the House of Lords that the Queen should be petitioned by Parliament to remove from the Prayer Book the services which commemorated not only the death of Charles I but also the accession of Charles II in 1660 , the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 , and the landing of William of Orange in 1688 .
2 Most misspellings in words of more than one syllable have been found by research to occur in the unstressed syllable , especially in the vowel .
3 Since 1976 , in Britain at least , anyone of eighteen or over has been allowed by law to go to the General Register Office , the local Social Services or the appropriate adoption agency to obtain their original birth certificate .
4 210 In all cases between landlord and tenant , as often as it shall happen that one half year 's rent shall be in arrear , and the landlord or lessor , to whom the same is due , hath right by law to re-enter for the non-payment thereof , such landlord or lessor shall and may , without any formal demand or re-entry , serve a writ in ejectment for the recovery of the demised premises , which service shall stand in the place and stead of a demand and re-entry ; and in case of judgment against the defendant for non-appearance , if it shall be made appear to the court where the said action is depending , by affidavit , or be proved upon the trial in case the defendant appears , that half a year 's rent was due before the said writ was served , and that no sufficient distress was to be found on the demised premises , countervailing the arrears then due , and that the lessor had power to re-enter , then and in every such case the lessor shall recover judgment and execution , in the same manner as if the rent in arrear had been legally demanded , and a re-entry made ; and in case the lessee or his assignee , or other person claiming or deriving under the said lease , shall permit and suffer judgment to be had and recovered on such trial in ejectment , and execution to be executed thereon , without paying the rent and arrears , together with full costs , and without proceeding for relief in equity within six months after such execution executed , then and in such case the said lessee , his assignee , and all other persons claiming and deriving under the said lease , shall be barred and foreclosed from all relief or remedy in law or equity , other than by bringing error for reversal of such judgment , in case the same shall be erroneous , and the said landlord or lessor shall from thenceforth hold the said demised premises discharged from such lease ; provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to bar the right of any mortgagee of such lease , or any part thereof , who shall not be in possession , so as such mortgagee shall and do , within six months after such judgment obtained and execution executed pay all rent in arrear , and all costs and damages sustained by such lessor or person entitled to the remainder or reversion as aforesaid , and perform all the covenants and agreements which , on the part and behalf of the first lessee , are and ought to be performed .
5 This chapter attempts to answer these questions partly by reference to work in the field and in part through a review and analysis of works of fiction typically used as ‘ whole class readers ’ in the lower years of six secondary comprehensive schools and falls into two parts .
6 ‘ What in fact happened was that the owner was induced by deceit to agree to the goods being transferred to Ballay .
7 ‘ What in fact happened was that the owner was induced by deceit to agree to the goods being transferred to Ballay .
8 Where , for instance , an independent power generator will be permitted by Directive to plug into the grid of any Member State ( something , as we have seen , not actually proposed by the Commission at present ) , it will be able to do so only with a safety clearance from the appropriate ‘ home ’ authority .
9 Reported casualty estimates rose day by day to settle by the end of October at 552 dead and 2,100 in hospital .
10 A tenancy from year to year is saved from being uncertain because each party has power by notice to determine at the end of any year .
11 Then , at 1045 , three crew members with a small inflatable were again sent by road to help in the flood relief work at Ballycastle , where the flood waters had still not receded and the situation was still critical .
12 Calm was restored after the Law and Order Minister , Adriaan Vlok , arrived by helicopter to reason with the farmers .
13 The meal was hardly over when Mr Heath flew to Sunningdale by helicopter to preside over the last stage of the conference on the future of Northern Ireland .
14 We are soon , however , encouraged by society to look to the future for our happiness .
15 It took us about an hour by bus to get into the Central Market but in the last year we were there , the public transport system collapsed and we had to go home in trucks just as if we were cattle .
16 Subjects were invited by letter to participate in the experiment .
17 Through TRANSAID staff were provided by TNT to report on the position .
18 Their actions , however , were inhibited by hostility to change from the civil servants of the Local Government Board , supported by their ineffectual President , John Burns , once the fiery socialist leader of the dockworkers , the first working man to enter a Cabinet but no longer a radical on social issues .
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