Example sentences of "by [v-ing] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually when one has had enough , he signals submission by contracting the pigment in one set of cells and expanding that in another so that his flank patterns change and he hoists the flag of surrender .
2 Grey and brown are obtained either by using undyed wool or by dyeing the yarns with extracts from nutshells and oak bark .
3 This principal character is a " " poure scoler " " ( 3190 ) , a " " clerk " " ( 3199 ) , liable , therefore , to be living by his wits , including , it is hinted ( 3191 – 6 ) , by forecasting the weather on the strength of his astrology .
4 A central part of my argument , then , is that a major step can be made simply by relocating the issue of child abuse into the mainstream of child care research , policy and practice .
5 Now the Americans have fired a warning shot over Europe by tripling the duty on some EC imports .
6 But in 1921 the King 's personal physician , Lord Dawson , stunned his profession alike and delighted the press by praising the morality of family limitation and warning Church leaders that they risked losing a whole generation by their unrealistic pronouncements ; an example followed in 1925 when the next King 's physician , Sir H. Rolliston , Regius Professor of Physick at Cambridge , became president of a new family-planning clinic .
7 Many skippers over-simplify the role of a captain by praising the role of their team-mates and coaching staff .
8 And he 'd bounce me on my bed and make a ‘ little nest ’ by tucking the ends of the eiderdown under my pillow until all but my face was cocooned .
9 Getting the government ‘ off the backs of the people ’ by offsetting the incentives to leisure and evasion would offer something for everyone .
10 There is no guarantee that by singing the words of a hymn we have participated any more fully than by giving silent attention to someone else doing so .
11 After these initial experiments have been explored , performance may be improved and the range greatly extended by channelling the light from the l.e.d through the optical fibre .
12 This is tested by gagging the bats before releasing them .
13 The network is designed to enhance Europe 's international competitiveness by encouraging the transfer of new ideas and technology to industry .
14 P.A. Stafford thinks that Cnut may have reinforced this by encouraging the cults of other murdered princes , such as Wigstan , a ninth-century Mercian , whom he had translated from Repton to Evesham .
15 The obvious place to begin was by encouraging the evolution of the current native authorities into something which bore a greater resemblance to English local government .
16 UDCs are primarily intended to secure the regeneration of their designated areas by bringing land and buildings into effective use ; by encouraging the development of existing and new industry and commerce ; by creating an attractive environment ; and by ensuring that housing and social facilities are available to encourage people to live and work in the area .
17 The once-and-for-all improvement in women 's relative pay associated with the enactment of equal pay legislation seems to have affected the female labour force indirectly by encouraging the deferment of childbearing in the mid-1970s .
18 He said Labour would boost agriculture by encouraging the production of food at home to improve Britain 's balance of payments deficit ; reforming the common agricultural policy , and shifting the emphasis to decision making at national and regional level .
19 It looks as if almost 50 per cent of the errors could be cured by a systematic consideration of prefixes and suffixes , of most common spelling of diphthongs , and by encouraging the habit of checking guesses , especially about diphthongs and digraphs like wh. ( see also Exceptions to the rule , page 16 . )
20 CAMRA wants a sliding scale of excise duty , to promote competition by encouraging the retention of specialist breweries owned by larger concerns .
21 Consequently , they believe that domestic services are a good thing and a necessary part of everyday life and that by encouraging the growth of urban centres they are making a positive contribution to ‘ community life ’ .
22 Griffiths includes all forms of domiciliary care and residential , but not hospital , care under the umbrella of " community care " v How much can be achieved , without any major reorganisation of services , by encouraging the integration of effort in planning and delivery of services by the joint planning machinery between health boards , social work departments , housing departments and voluntary agencies ?
23 Propaganda actions , such as Christmas sales of excess butter , failed to stop the complaints about the policy : that it tended to help large farms , which could adopt intensive production methods , rather than the needy ; that it distorted world markets and upset the US , which threatened a trade war with the EC over CAP in 1986 — 7 ; and that it harmed the environment by encouraging the use of chemical fertilisers .
24 It remains true , however , that the overall thrust of deaf education policy is towards making deaf people more invisible by encouraging the use of teaching practices which subtly tip the power balance between deaf and hearing people in favour of the latter .
25 One of the ways in which CMEAD hoped to address these criticisms was by encouraging the reform of management development , both in terms of its content and of its delivery , with a view to widening access to effective management education and development .
26 The solution has been found by submitting the agreement to English law , widely thought to be the fairest and most flexible , and therefore used for many international transactions .
27 In Chapter 4 I show that an attempt to prove the possibility of pluralism by proving the existence of irreducibly " external " relations presupposes a distinction between a subjective and an objective order .
28 In order to prove the truth of History 's prospective totalization into one meaning , therefore , Sartre 's initial philosophical task was to ground his argument epistemologically by proving the legitimacy of the dialectic itself , thus demonstrating not only that history was dialectically intelligible but also why it necessarily should be so .
29 Protein-tyrosine kinases function as central switching mechanisms in these pathways by catalysing the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in specific target proteins ( for review , see ref. 34 ) .
30 Modern technology and international publicity and acclaim simply confirm one of the oldest and most widely-distributed suspicions on the African continent , that the foreign usurper lives literally , as well as metaphorically , by sucking the life-blood of his black subjects .
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