Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The simplest method is to switch off the lights and to lighten the shadow areas by reflecting some of the daylight back onto the subject .
2 By organizing much of the process yourself , at least for the key posts , you will enhance your ability to select the right person .
3 The Americans countered by accepting this for the first ten years , but adding an extra M per cent interest , bringing the annual figure to £40 million for the remaining fifty-two years .
4 Some of the problems associated with old age can be warded off by eating enough of the right foods .
5 These drawings could be created by using either of the conventional artwork programs but the amount of effort wasted is significant .
6 This process of identification and analysis may be carried out in a number of ways , for instance : * by Using intuition based upon an interpretation of existing knowledge of the market ; * by Using any of the wide array of market research techniques , based on internal sources of information about the market , and field research .
7 An ‘ Inner Windsurfing ’ approach has yet to be fully developed , but we can benefit by using some of the ideas and assumptions .
8 It was now that the Greeks ( illiterate for several centuries , since the clumsy syllabary evolved in the later Bronze Age had died with the social system it served ) borrowed the suppler consonantal alphabet developed by the Phoenicians and improved on it by using some of the symbols for vowels .
9 First , if we have a simple pencil C — B , we may premultiply it by C-1 to obtain I — A , A = C-1B ; we may then obtain the eigenvalues and vectors of the pencil by applying any of the methods of 2.6–2.8 to A , and often this is the simplest procedure .
10 A further paternalistic argument is that a law restricting consent helps to protect individual citizens from themselves by counteracting some of the social pressures and shame which might otherwise occur .
11 While under Polish rule , the Orthodox hierarchy in the Ukraine had been able to resist the spread of Catholic influence only by adopting many of the methods and some of the ideas characteristic of the Counter-Reformation .
12 She went into the bathroom and I made my own supper by slicing some of the foul cheese and shoving it between two slices of greased plastic bread .
13 The interviewer is Peter Hayter , an owlish Friar Tuck figure who seems to be troubled by itching much of the time and who uses ‘ I mean ’ as frequently as commas .
14 A £15m scheme to upgrade the A1 between Bramham and Wetherby has been extended by nearly 1km at a cost of £1m to allow traffic to move freely by widening more of the southbound carriageway to Spen Common Lane .
15 Mr Stark reckons that an emerging generation of academics , disillusioned by the arcane teachings of their forebears , is starting to do just that by tackling many of the dilemmas managers face each day — those which business ethicists have previously side-stepped .
16 Reebok believes that it has taken a further innovative step by eliminating much of the superfluous components so that now , the tennis shoe will consist of an estimated 12 separate components .
17 This corn-coloured type has been formed in the last 20 or 30 years by absorbing several of the Pyrenean breeds and it was recognised as a breed in its own right in 1962 .
18 Let me illustrate this by relating some of the history of my ‘ Hylas Fights Back ’ dialogue .
19 He was given 25 years but tried to negotiate a cut in his sentence by returning half of the stolen gold .
20 Now , the government has shifted the focus of curriculum planning from availability ( the options system ) to entitlement , and has unwittingly ensured ( by filling most of the time available with the statutory curriculum ) that the dimensions , skills and themes of this entitlement can be met most easily inside the foundation subjects , and not outside them .
21 The Soviet Union , these critics argue , was uninterested in Republican victory and unwilling to provide sufficient resources to make it possible ; to make matters worse , the anti-revolutionary policies and generally repressive conduct of the Communists , by robbing much of the population within Republican Spain of anything for which to fight , brought about massive demoralization and weakened rather than strengthened the bases of the anti-fascist struggle .
22 By saving more of the tooth , she leaves it healthier , and buys it time .
23 It seems to meet some deep need to atone for modern materialism , by saving some of the materials from the rubbish bin .
24 Rose Cottage did not have a garage , but it had a parking space formed by sacrificing most of the front garden .
25 So if group captain White has already given you an example of the reduction we 've made in in some of our er scalings of those equipment , er it was also suggested by the contractors that economies could be achieved by reducing the number of bases , the extent to which all squadrons should be fully multi role equipped and by contractualising more of the second and third line support , erm , we and the other partners are still considering these proposals in detail er and have n't actually taken decisions yet but there are certainly some possibilities in that area for er economies against the original cost estimate .
26 Doubtless , ultraviolet light has helped evolution to m – along by causing some of the genetic variation that natural selection must work upon .
28 The Bill will update and modernise the Nurses , Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1979 by remedying some of the defects that have become apparent since then , following the Peat , Marwick , McLintock review of the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing , Midwifery and Health Visiting and the four national boards .
29 And I 'll do this by describing each of the System Ten products that resolve the paradoxes of the I T department .
30 Jeremy Rivers concludes by describing some of the key issues facing personnel management , including his views on costs and benefits of a CPIS .
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