Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only in areas remote from this authority , as in isolated mining settlements , or where the state was itself weak , as in the United States , could bourgeois masters exercise that sort of direct rule , whether by command over the local forces of public authority , by private armies of Pinkerton men , or by banding together in armed groups of ‘ vigilantes ’ to maintain ‘ order ’ .
2 Indeed they seemed to invite persecution by preaching openly in public places .
3 Instead , by sticking inflexibly for instant PR , claiming all the credit for constitutional reform , and continuing to rubbish Labour , Paddy Ashdown did his own party , and the cause of constitutional reform , a disservice .
4 ‘ You can help me by stepping away from that door ! ’
5 The great peace congresses which punctuated the history of the period gave particular scope , by bringing together in one place the representatives of a large number of different States , for disputes of this kind .
6 There are many things to be done to assist Kenya , but we know that we can help it best by keeping quietly in constant discussion with it .
7 Both men are charged with causing the deaths of 2 children and 3 teenagers by driving recklessly in two seperate cars .
8 Furthermore , while in former times the responsible authorities strove their hardest to mitigate poverty , of circumstance and opportunity , by driving hard for high levels of education provision , low expectation still depressed educational achievement , and work-related training in industry continued to be low-grade — where employers allowed it to happen at all .
9 One of its primary concerns is that any regulations should not upset the competitive trade balance , for example by applying solely to one type of fuel .
10 Eating disorder symptoms can produce positive feedback in psychological and family systems or they can preserve equilibrium in either of these systems by deflecting away from other difficult areas .
11 They underwrite the weekly tender issue of Treasury bills by bidding competitively for those not sold .
12 Set the stitches by steaming lightly on wrong side , if pressing instructions permit .
13 Set the stitches by steaming lightly on wrong side , if pressing instructions permit .
14 Set the stitches by steaming lightly on wrong side , if pressing instructions permit .
15 By an incomes policy I take it that , for the purposes of our discussion , we mean an attempt to influence the value of money by operating directly upon specific prices ; and price of course includes earnings , i.e. the price of a quantity of labour in a particular application .
16 We can produce a semantic clash by substituting highly for extremely , and restore normality by replacing fast with dangerous .
17 ‘ Clearly they hate each other 's company and they deal with it by looking away from each other .
18 We may begin by looking closely at religious and philosophical beliefs which , at first glance , seem particularly remote and baffling , and to many simply ridiculous .
19 I would like therefore to begin by looking briefly at that context and then move onto the skills which the diplomates will train their students to achieve , the level of skills their students are likely to have already and outline some of the issues met by the Dip .
20 By looking hard at any way in which we can raise extra income for this authority .
21 The third section offers a critical exploration of possible starting points for new strategies , not least by looking anew at some of the difficult and resilient questions about cultural identity and belongingness , about ethnicity and community , that were often glossed over or disavowed in the antiracist movement .
22 Second is that by ordering ahead of conventionally-defined need , the CEGB is comparing the economics of investing in Sizewell with the economics of doing nothing , that is maintaining old plant .
23 They responded by pushing hard into corporate finance , seeking to use shareholdings as a door-opener .
24 An oral practice exercise where the learner must complete his half of the dialogue by listening carefully to each stimulus .
25 g 11 is taken to be positive ( which can be achieved by multiplying throughout by -1 if necessary ) .
26 Only by going there in thousands , outnumbering his tenants , talking to them , until they feel their power , and disarm their masters .
27 Having registered , he set about ordering his life as he saw it developing , by giving himself over to the muse , by associating with those whose lives found proper space for literary reflection and endeavour , by getting close to that bohemian existence which he loved and from which all modern art seemed to spring .
28 ‘ It 's on the same day as Jedburgh 's , so we start off by riding there between 8.30 am and 1.00 pm .
29 In this piece I suggest that extremely good finds can also be made by moving slightly to left or right of some present-day road alignments .
30 Perhaps most intriguing of all there will be a further attempt to undermine union power in the public sector by moving away from national agreements towards increasing regional differentials in pay .
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