Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The commission 's role was to ensure that land allocated for development was in fact developed , by channelling it to those who would develop it .
2 Toothed whales usually travel in pods and hunt fish and quid by pursuing them at high speed .
3 That is , an object seen as one sort of structure can be experienced ( and imagined ) in ways different from those made possible by seeing it as another sort of structure .
4 I bloody well ca n't achieve that by sticking them in dull concrete abortions !
5 This legislation is designed not only to counteract the violence by harsh , emergency measures , but also to undermine the political nature of the violence by characterising it as mere criminality ; the hope being that it will diminish the level of public support for those involved .
6 Like the frottole they were music for a wide public and , as with the frottole , the printing-presses multiplied their popularity by producing them in alternative forms .
7 What we have done to ourselves is to destroy the adventure of life by rooting ourselves to one spot in the physical sense , and demoralising ourselves by forcing the mind to spend its time on nuts and bolts and the rest of our shoddy interests , when it is thirsting for the trackless regions of the nomads .
8 The best way of doing this was by attaching themselves to one of their country 's missions abroad , serving in it in a junior and normally unpaid capacity and thus acquiring experience of diplomatic methods and routines as well as of a foreign country .
9 Now you know the rules , set a good example to other drivers by using them at all times ; who knows , they may even copy your driving style and do it right too !
10 These individual ‘ building blocks ’ are called phonemes , or in some instances allophones , and by using them in various combinations any word can be constructed .
11 More often , two or more rhythms are used to give not only a more varied rhythmic interest but also a bigger canvas by using first one rhythm , then another , or by using them in various combinations and expansions .
12 The children were being encouraged to learn about sentences by using them in real contexts .
13 Lawyers acquire a smattering of technical jargon and by using it to each other create the impression that they have a full comprehension of the subject .
14 Simply by reminding himself of this fact , he felt inspired by a new confidence and was just about to lift Cleo physically from her seat when yet another resident of the house made an appearance .
15 The patient 's self-esteem can be enhanced by reminding him of positive aspects of his personality or previous accomplishments .
16 Even the attempted revisions of the discipline associated with the Scrutiny programme have failed due to its lack of positive practical goals : " False ideals are not destroyed merely by seeing through their linguistic dress , but by opposing them with stronger and better ones . "
17 ‘ I want to test one set of certainties by opposing them to another .
18 These three contrasting ways of approaching the same data can be conveniently illustrated by applying them to that contemporary social phenomenon : student unrest .
19 Ideally , you 'll try to absorb all the information here by applying it to all keys .
20 One relatively straightforward approach to this task consists in trying to refine the theory through use — to discover , by applying it to specific problems , whether it can be consistently employed and what explanations it can yield .
21 How many have taken the edge off the phrase at the grass roots by applying it to inappropriate circumstances ?
22 Then Edgar appears , disguised as a poor knight whose ‘ name is lost ; /By treason 's tooth bare-gnawn , and canker-bit ’ ( 121f. ) , and by defeating him in single combat , completes the exposure of Edmund , the bastard being displayed as a hypocrite and pretender ( 162–74 ) , who in a fair contest — according to Renaissance optimism about the superiority of right — is bound to be defeated by the legitimate .
23 ended Ushaw recent good run by defeating them by 63 runs .
24 Following toasts to the University , to Convocation and to our Guests , Mr Orme rounded off the evening by regaling us with some reminiscences of his early days in Parliament , where he has served for Salford West from 1964–1983 and Salford East since 1983 during which time he has held several posts in Government and on the Opposition front bench , and going on to more recent experiences whilst visiting Eastern Europe as the moves towards democracy gathered strength .
25 Weller is trying to make political idealism glamorous by linking it with being a stylist , and validate being a stylist by aligning it with political ideals .
26 I ca n't think of anything else so I 'll finish by thanking you for all your hard work .
27 To give them the right to vote by absorbing them into one of the English constituencies and it could have easily been done .
28 The idea , of course is not to elucidate dependent conditionals by relating them to causal statements and the like , but to do just the opposite .
29 At first it might appear simple to unravel a particular doubt by relating it to one of the seven broad categories , but first appearances are deceptive .
30 Such passages did little damage , however , compared with those in which again and again he would use these occasions to exalt the status of the King by equating it with that of the kings of Israel .
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