Example sentences of "by [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The result was a schism by the Thompson-Chesson group and the formation by them of the short-lived North of England Anti-Slavery and India Reform League .
2 In May 1412 a treaty ( that of Bourges ) was sealed between Henry IV and the dukes of Berry , Bourbon , and Orléans which gave the English king much of what his predecessors had spent years fighting for : a recognition that Aquitaine was rightfully English , and an undertaking to help the king defend it ; the cession of twenty important towns and castles ; and agreement that certain lands , notably Poitou , were to be held by them of the English crown , and would revert to it when the present holders died .
3 As a young man he had worked for GenSyn as a commodity slave , his time and talents bought by them on a fifteen-year contract .
4 In the present case , the primary argument of the revenue has been that the repayment of sums paid by Woolwich was made by them on a voluntary basis , i.e. that the payment was repaid ex gratia .
5 Thus , McConaghy and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments on what they call ‘ allusive thinking ’ , a concept similar to overinclusive thinking and actually measured by them with a clinical , thought disorder test .
6 As in the case of the banks , the assets of these institutions represent paper claims against money which has been lent by them to the public sector , to industry and to persons .
7 In making the award , the adjudicating panel will take into account the age of the nominees and the work published by them during the past five years .
8 He was not in control of security and Ho Chi Minh ( as we may now begin to call him ) was suspected by them as a Japanese spy .
9 Despite some of the language problems he grew to know and like the black and white constables of the patrols to which he was attached ; and to be accepted by them as a trusted companion under fire .
10 Significantly , he adduced the work of the American poet Wallace Stevens at this point , a man torn between the profession of law and the poetic muse , whose view of lost faith and a ‘ disconnected ’ tradition imbued his poetry with a wistfulness and a challenge that was taken very seriously by Leonard and Layton ; or , perhaps , viewed by them as a satisfactory replacement .
11 Tim , 37 , is already treated by them as a favourite uncle .
12 Had the situation been different and plastic bullets had been fired , the longer-term consequence would have been to have moved the police significantly towards the position where the use of baton rounds was perceived by them as an appropriate method of crowd dispersal during large-scale civil disturbance .
13 Irene had lived surrounded by the gales of hatred , but remained untouched by them behind the high wall that had protected her since childhood …
14 Though she had said she was too young for them she had been enraptured by them in a tiny jeweller 's in Pollensa but Fernando had hurried her away saying he would buy her the real thing one day .
15 In this case the findings of the justices and their reasons , so far as concerns the making of the order for costs , were announced by them in the following terms :
16 Despite the many grumbles and adverse comments , 70 per cent of all employers interviewed claimed to have been satisfied with the standard of work of young people taken on by them in the previous two years , and only 14 per cent expressed dissatisfaction .
17 Just stand by me for a little bit longer .
18 It was certainly answered by me to the Select Committee , as the right hon. Gentleman , who attended the Committee , will know .
19 Keld , like Thwaite , is a sleepy little place and will be forever remembered by me as the milkless village .
20 The tactics adopted by me against the large boy was to be used in all future fights with taller opponents , with the same success .
21 As an adult in Panama I have stepped aside and contemplated the New World equivalent of the driver ants that I had feared as a child in Africa , flowing by me like a crackling river , and I can testify to the strangeness and wonder .
22 For many months a nurse had been taking care of Mary , described by everyone as a gentle , retiring person .
23 A tongue that left people in no doubt of their responsibilities but delivered in impeccable style , seen by everyone as a proper ‘ gent ’ .
24 In most cases the reasonable answer will be along the lines that those people who give information for the survey will be contributing to an overall study , the results of which will be useful for a better understanding by everyone of the general problem and will also particularly help specialists who might be interested in ( in this case ) the housewife 's day .
25 However , the number of applications received by him/her for the single fields depends on the ranking .
26 In his April review AB , while remaining loyal to the Walter and Klemperer versions , summed it up as ‘ the most compelling and most spontaneous of performances recorded in the past few years , and I shall want it by my for the sheer beauty of the sound , often in that respect surpassing any other version ’ .
27 This information will be considered by ourselves at the key features review and due diligence stages .
28 If they 'd murdered four thousand Danuese but said three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine had been killed by ourselves in the Danuese Civil War , then it meant they had killed only one .
29 People who challenge the assumption that much of what a house officer does could be done just as well by someone without a medical qualification may be surprised to learn that in Taunton and Cheltenham nurse practitioners are already working as house officers on two surgical firms ( box ) .
30 Our samples were no exception : Table 5.1 takes a loose definition of ‘ carer ’ and shows — for the three points in time — whether the dementia sufferer lived with someone who helped in some way to care for him or her , and if not , how frequently he or she was visited by someone on an informal caring basis .
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