Example sentences of "by [noun] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 James Stewart was judicially assassinated by the Scottish Whig establishment : in part , to deter further resistance by clans to the forfeiture of chiefs and gentry and , in part , to demonstrate that the suspicion of the Scots which had gripped the court and Westminster since the battle of Culloden was no longer justified .
2 Selkirk pushed him in and made him squat on a stone ledge while he cut free his bound hands only to fasten gyves to his wrists and ankles ; attached by chains to the wall ; these allowed Corbett to move but quickly chafed his wrists and ankles .
3 Strategic initiatives , evidenced by proposals to the Science and Engineering Research Council ( SERC ) Science Board , grew from nothing to take up almost one third of total grants between 1982 and 1986 .
4 Many telephones were out of order , and rail services were disrupted by damage to the line at Deganwy .
5 Their legal rights were not affected by admission to a home and the guidelines warn that restraining someone without their consent , or on the instructions of a third party , is unlawful and unacceptable .
6 They will have to be slowed down by moderators to the energy required , and then guided to the instruments in which the scientists will study their materials .
7 By contrast to the barn owl , all the other species of owl showed some degree of digestion of the molars of their prey , even when clearly coming from adult birds only .
8 Income for the year increased by £1,411,384 to a total of £3,622,386 .
9 Figure 7.4 illustrates this process , showing the small-signal gain spectrum as A is increased through the P2 threshold , and the ensuing doubling of the spectrum , followed by transphasing to the verge of 4tR oscillation .
10 In either case , the saving in cost by its being conveyed by rail to a station on the completed line will be from 5s. to 7s. per ton .
11 It was built in 1868 and connected by rail to a dispatching station , Redfern , at Regent 's St. , Sydney .
12 In 1643–4 he was appointed by Parliament to a string of Shropshire committees , though the county was then almost entirely in Royalist hands .
13 Mere are therefore three Acts during the year that cover the granting of funds by Parliament to the government .
14 Finally , Mr. Langley submitted that there was a strong presumption against the court having made an order which could have the effect of overriding or emasculating section 39 , and that it would be wrong to construe the injunction as being inconsistent with powers expressly given by Parliament to the Bank of England .
15 Traces of Maltese clothing found in the Lockerbie wreckage had been linked by experts to the suitcase containing the bomb .
16 Under the system , C-Series supercomputer servers are connected by FDDI to the HP 9000 Series 700 workstation clusters , running under Hewlett-Packard 's HP-UX or BSD Unix 4.3 .
17 The desire to avoid appeal may partly be a reflection of the fact that standards have been selected by resort to the convention of established — but largely unexamined — practice which may be difficult to defend in a formal arena .
18 The Prince of Wales gazed in horror as a large , succulent goose was borne in by Heinrich to the dining-room serving table for carving by Auguste .
19 Moreover , between 793 and 796 Aethelheard but not Hygeberht subscribed to a grant of land by Offa to the church of Worcester within the archdiocese of Lichfield ( CS 272 , 273 : S 146 ) , and in 796 to a grant of land also in Hwiccian territory by Ecgfrith , king of the Mercians , Offa 's son and short-lived successor , again without Hygeberht ( CS 277 , 278 : S 148 ) .
20 We therefore need a new table which shows the three-way table of age by income by attitudes to the law ( figure 13.5 ) ; the relationships can not be inferred from inspection of figures 13.2 , 13.3 and 13.4 alone .
21 This war was undoubtedly started as a result of a territorial dispute followed by invasion , and then by resistance to the invasion .
22 This dominance in modern times is attributed by Hayek to the success of the Philosophical Radicals of the nineteenth century in replacing the ideal of government under law with the ideal of a government controlled by a popular assembly and free to take any action of which that assembly approved .
23 The force of the argument just presented may not be overwhelming but it is enough to prompt the tentative conclusion that , in addition to the habituation process invoked by exposure to a stimulus , some other process comes into play and is responsible for latent inhibition .
24 There have been no serious attempts to eradicate anophelines by the technique of irradiation sterilisation , but another USDA team performed a major trial with Anopheles albimanus sterilised by exposure to a chemical .
25 We can just as readily conclude that there is just one type of latent inhibition ; that the change induced by exposure to the stimulus always tends to dissipate during the exposure — test interval ; and that the size of the interval required for such a loss of latent inhibition to become apparent grows longer as the strength of the effect induced by the initial exposure phase is increased .
26 This Vitamin A derivative had for years been prescribed to acne sufferers , but it was not until the mid-Eighties that reports began to filter through from the States about its miraculous ability to smooth out wrinkles caused by exposure to the sun — a process known as photo-ageing .
27 Next , there is no reason to suppose that the loss of effectiveness suffered by a cue as a result of non-reinforced pre-exposure will be restricted to the case in which that cue is subsequently required to function as a CS ; no doubt the development of an occasion-setting function will also be retarded by exposure to the cue in question .
28 Population attributable risks , not adjusted for other factors , estimate the proportion of deaths explained by exposure to the risk factor , and the relative attributable risks estimate the percentage of the excess risk in Maori , compared with non-Maori , which could be attributed to a higher exposure to the risk factor in Maori children .
29 Indeed , a major theme which emerged at this time was the lack of attention given by employers to the age structure of their work-forces and the consequent lack of encouragement to older people to see themselves as potentially economically viable .
30 Then , in late September , Eastern bloc Communists together with French and Italian party representatives , were called by Moscow to a meeting in Poland .
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