Example sentences of "by [noun] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This argument neglects the symbolic function of the labels applied by the law and by courts to criminal conduct .
2 The last is usually to be regretted but there have been occasions when long-standing marital unhappiness was resolved by admission to residential care in the last years .
3 Apart from their legal privileges which are frankly impossible to defend on the basis of a concept of Christian justice , there is also a strong argument against the whole idea of collective bargaining by contrast to individual wage setting .
4 Rank and file members have never been consulted on support for this organisation , maintained Mr Hunter and recent research amongst the membership showed a substantial hostility to NALGO 's continued affiliation to the NAC , which among its disgraceful policies , calls for the destruction of the disabled by resort to eugenic abortion .
5 Given their continuing powerlessness , however , even the younger workers are unlikely to seek an improvement in their position by resort to militant action .
6 We describe two such methods below ; first , however , we observe that , in ( 2 ) , we can readily obtain the two coefficients p1 , pn , since ( see 1.22 , Theorem II , III ) unc The evaluation of a numerical determinant , even of high order , is very quickly accomplished on any modern computer by reduction to triangular form ; thus we can find p1 and pn without difficulty .
7 If the patina has been stuck on , then it is often possible to detect the organic binder or glue quite easily , either by application of various solvents , or by exposure to ultra-violet radiation .
8 Products may be adversely affected by exposure to atmospheric humidity but if this happens in the product in its sales pack , it indicates that the pack provides inadequate protection from the atmosphere .
9 Poorly ventilated and stagnant spaces must be opened up to a constant current of air by the introduction of new ventilation openings as even a vigorous attack of dry rot can be arrested ( but not reduced ) by exposure to fresh air .
10 He has also examined the well-publicised cluster of leukaemia cases around the Dounreay nuclear plant and concludes it is likely to have been caused by exposure to incoming oil workers rather than radiation from the plant .
11 The lime burnt from Purbeck stone was ‘ preferred by plaisterers to any other in the kingdom ’ .
12 While the challenge could not be ignored , Robson felt that it would not be resolved by recourse to conceptualistic argument .
13 Thus there seems a prima facie risk that social work intervention will increasingly be characterised by recourse to legal justification , and that , regardless of the debate about whether compulsion is on the increase , the public care of children will be further identified with compulsory removal and thus as antipathetic to family care .
14 It was saved from the flood by being cut into blocks and moved piece by piece to higher ground .
15 The traditional approach has been to model procedural rights by analogy to ordinary court procedure ; the principles of natural justice reflect an adversarial-adjudicative conception of process rights .
16 Presumably , this will also apply by analogy to other supply scenarios , even though the major statutes regulating the supply of goods ( SOGIT 1973 , CCA 1974 , SGSA 1982 , and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 ) are entirely silent on the matter .
17 Direct access by lifts to all hotel facilities and free use of luxury heated indoor swimming pool .
18 Finally , project involvement has had knock-on effects in introducing many teachers to the notion of study skills and information-handling skills , in cross-fertilisation of ideas by visits to other project schools , and , finally , in the cascade effect of departmental representatives on library committees returning to their colleagues with the insights gained from their project experience .
19 The moves and countermoves of Republicans and Royalists in two rented Scottish mansions , Castle Gay and Knockraw , are directed by Buchan to one point , the apotheosis of a middle-aged man , Thomas Carlyle Craw , who has risen by his own efforts from a poor background to become the millionaire owner of an influential newspaper group .
20 Perhaps I can confirm what he said by reference to one statistic .
21 In this case that individual shall not be chargeable to tax under s740 by reference to relevant income which is such that if he had received it he would not , by reason of his being so domiciled , have been chargeable to income tax in respect of it .
22 The relevant provision is s740(5) which reads thus : An individual who is domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall not , in respect of any benefit not received in the United Kingdom , be chargeable to tax under [ s740 ] by reference to relevant income which is such that if he had received it he would not , by reason of his being so domiciled , have been chargeable to income tax in respect of it ; and [ s65(6)– ( 9 ) ] shall apply for the purposes of [ s740(5) ] as they would apply for the purposes of [ s65(5) ] if the benefit were income arising from possessions outside the United Kingdom .
23 The first limb provides that if the recipient is domiciled outside the United Kingdom and the benefit is not received in the United Kingdom then the recipient shall not be chargeable to tax by reference to relevant income which is such that if he had received it he would not by reason of his being so domiciled have been chargeable to tax in respect of it .
24 Social psychoanalysis , by contrast , takes the view that contemporary character should not merely be explained by reference to contemporary culture and childrearing , but that in any society contemporary childrearing and culture are the consequences of historical changes and that the contemporary individual recapitulates the cultural past and therefore , by a sort of reverse neoteny , experiences in his childhood the traumas and stages of ego- and superego-development which occurred in the adult lives of his ancestors .
25 Dignan points to increasing state intervention and changing forms of law , and emphasises that these developments can no longer be understood by reference to traditional theory .
26 In some countries where religion is not acknowledged to be in any way a necessary part of life , and also to a lesser degree in some where it is , the very important regular holidays , i.e. the single days or short periods of relief from work , which are spaced throughout the year , and which are additional to the long summer vacations , are fixed by arbitrary law and not by reference to religious feast days .
27 Unless there is a contract governing the transaction , it is suggested that when the conveyance or transfer has been executed by all parties a completion date should be arranged so that the necessary searches can be made by reference to that date and the matter completed .
28 Once the documentation is complete , it is suggested that a " completion date " be agreed , so that the necessary searches can be made ( see Chapter 3 , p30 ) and monies requisitioned by reference to that date .
29 The movies were something very new and they soon developed a unique and distinctive position within the culture but that position can only be fully understood by reference to that context of nineteenth-century popular culture from which they emerged .
30 Hence the modern Oedipus complex is not wholly explicable by reference to the modern family ( and therefore not controvertible by reference to modern family arrangements which allegedly do not feature it ) , but rather to both the individual 's actual family circumstances , and to the inherited and culturally transmitted conditions of the species which produced it in the first place and which determined its particular expression .
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