Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 As for his qualities and accomplishments , they can not be altogether passed over in what is intended to be , however inadequate , a whole-hearted tribute of affection , admiration and regard .
2 As this review of change in Europe and the USA has shown , there were a number of important experiments in the 1940s and 1950s which , coincident with the development of mood-stabilizing drugs , suggested that a significant number of long-term patients could be successfully boarded out in the community .
3 The Area successfully tendered for another section of the M74 ( Elvanfoot ) which will be mostly carried out in 1993 .
4 That grievous bodily harm thing was coming up at a special court this morning , but that ought to be all wrapped up in half an hour .
5 The British Empire and the United States will have to be somewhat mixed up in some of their affairs for mutual and general advantage .
6 Probably she 'll be so wrapped up in it she 'll feel differently . ’
7 It must be odd , she thought , for a stranger to be suddenly caught up in these life or death struggles .
8 If used constructively , instructional programs can be very effective but they can be very boring if they are used merely to transfer work to the microcomputer which would be better carried out in the traditional manner .
9 It 's not gone through the post and arrived battered , torn or creased ; and it 's not going to be just plumped down in piles on the floor .
10 Consultants are to be appointed shortly to examine its role as an executive agency and to consider how its work might be best carried out in the future .
11 Many of the decisions in this regard will be taken annually by the partners : where departures from the general rules are agreed , they should be promptly set down in writing and signed by all partners .
12 ‘ It 's certainly wiser to be more covered up in the sun , ’ she says .
13 The last thing I want after the programme is to be still caught up in the atmosphere of the studio .
14 We agree with Bremner et al and with Spechler and Goyal et al , who stated that the established Barrett 's oesophagus represents the true cases and that ‘ creeping substitute ’ or developing Barrett 's oesophagus should be carefully followed up in order to determine the progression or not of these lesions .
15 Regulation should require that the rate and amount of any commission should be clearly set out in the credit agreement which the customer signs .
16 ‘ The BBC 's position on its future will be clearly set out in the charter review document now being drafted and which will be published in the autumn . ’
17 Setting of fees is the responsibility of the client partner and should be clearly set out in any engagement letter .
18 All aspects of the fee structure must be clearly set out in the engagement letter .
19 If he does not the action will be automatically struck out in accordance with CCR Ord 17 , r11(9) .
20 Some people only have to take the faintest whiff of the entrance hall of a hospital to be sharply transported back in time to relive a traumatic hospital experience ( endured during childhood perhaps ) ; they may feel shaky or even nauseous .
21 Screening for Cryptosporidium should be routinely carried out in such children .
22 Hence Adorno 's demands on the use of a single stylistic principle — such as Picasso 's cubism or Schoenberg 's twelve-tone music — whose implications and permutations must be consistently worked through in order to achieve ‘ aesthetic rationality ’ ( Bürger 1984–5 , p. 127 ) .
23 Second , it easily misrepresents religion as something which can be neatly packaged up in sections .
24 When , for example , God is thought of as like light , the metaphor is meant to bring into play all kinds of overtones and ideas which can help the user to a greater understanding of the word God : light shares some characteristics which can be applied to God — but ones which can not be neatly packaged up in literal words .
25 Apparently the movie has to be officially called off in some way and that takes time .
26 And the Japanese advances in eastern Asia nourished the hopes that the United States would be completely tied down in that theatre of war .
27 Any further specifications must be specifically set out in the relevant order .
28 Kuhn insists that there is more to a paradigm that can be explicitly laid down in the form of explicit rules and directions .
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