Example sentences of "be [adj] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 For some reason or other , the money would be scarce at the time .
2 ‘ But the renovation and running costs would be high at a time when the council is being threatened with poll-capping and its budget desecrated by government cuts , ’ he said .
3 So I mean , we could , we could recruit people in to do it , but the problem there is they 've got to be free at the times when this course runs .
4 However , there are difficulties with latent defects , for example , characteristics not known to be harmful at the time of delivery , or immunities to harmful substances being subsequently discovered .
5 Teenage mothers are more likely than older mothers to have an unstable family background , to have poor or no educational qualifications , and to be unemployed at the time of conception ( Wells , 1983 ) .
6 … If in such a case the circumstances be such at the time when the act or neglect occurs that it should reasonably be foreseen that the person in fact injured thereby might be so injured , then at the time of the injury a relationship giving rise to a duty exists .
7 Under natural conditions cattle would be anoestrous at the time , so the best we can hope for is subfertility .
8 As it happened Acheson was in Paris when the cable arrived ; the Embassy replied with the unanimous opinion that it would be a serious mistake to deliver the memorandum ; and Acheson , having seen the correspondence , agreed that it would be inappropriate at the time .
9 But you 'll be ill at the time , is n't it , to be able to claim .
10 Above were the boarders ’ dormitories , a recreation room or two , the sick bay ( only one boy was allowed to be sick at a time ) and a small bedroom for Toby .
11 Of the 30,000 Iraqi troops estimated still to be combat-effective at the time of the allied suspension of military action , most were Republican Guard formations .
12 The Australian High Court delivered a key ruling on June 3 on the issue of Aboriginal land rights , by effectively overturning the notion of terra nullius — the concept that had deemed the Australian continent to be unoccupied at the time of European settlement in the 18th century .
13 Unless subsequently agreed in writing , the charges relating to booking shall be those expected to be current at the time of the conference .
14 First , the benefit attributable to the patent must be shown to be current at the time of the employee 's application ; the prospect of future benefits such as royalty payments from foreign sub-licensees is only relevant to the quantum of compensation awarded should outstanding benefit be proved .
15 Quite simply , the parties to a deed should sign it in the presence of a witness , who must be present at the time it is signed , and who must then put his own name , address and occupation .
16 The actual rate of completion per annum over the last 27 years has been less than one half of one percent … thus even at several times the projected rate of progress , the great bulk of the conservation task will be incomplete at a time when the most vigorous additional demand is placed on land from massive upsurge of population .
17 It 's wrong for you to be alone at a time like this . ’
18 Whatever the method used to discover a new site , the most important element is to record its position and any other details that might be apparent at the time of discovery .
19 It is therefore quite unreasonable to allow this ; the animals should be stunned at the time the throat is cut .
20 Are you , the haulier , agreeing , for example , to supply a particular vehicle for haulage or to supply any lorry which happens to be available at the time the contract needs to be undertaken ?
21 Over the past two centuries the ships employed have ranged from totally unsuitable ones , which happened to be available at the time , to , less commonly , purpose-built vessels incorporating the most sophisticated technology of the day . ’
22 More money must be available at the time of need .
23 Mr Bond was deemed to be insolvent at the time the bankruptcy judgment was entered against him and the bankruptcy notice was served — ‘ about three weeks ago ’ — but Mr Bond may have been insolvent before that time .
24 This list is meant to be accurate at the time of writing .
25 When it was first available 1-2-3 Release 3 was a product that was before its time — a 3D spreadsheet that allowed file linking and more than one program to be open at a time .
26 Thus the Tibetan Book of the Dead had stressed that ‘ on whatever sphere of being the mind of a man may be intent at the time of death ’ , this would determine his future state .
27 Not only do we need a strategic deterrent , but there is a strong argument that a sub-strategic deterrent continues to be relevant at a time when there is a real risk of several new nations appearing which have some form of nuclear capability and when we risk the proliferation of not merely equipment but perhaps technology from some of the scientific bases in the former Soviet Union .
28 Er I 've got some notes here which I can go through would n't actually be necessary but When Sally-Ann 's going through her notes if anyone else would like raise anything which backs it up or disagrees with it or whatever then , you know please you know butt in and say whatever think might might be relevant at the time .
29 It may well be necessary at the time of ordering a reference to a referee to agree the limits of his remuneration and to undertake to make payment thereof when called upon ; the district judge is required when the report is filed to fix the remuneration of the referee , unless it has been agreed ( Ord 19 , r 9(g) ( ii ) ) .
30 Even if advance disclosure is made , further disclosure may be necessary at the time of a transaction if an actual conflict arises .
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