Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We now believe it would be preferable to take this project forward as a joint venture with the private sector . ’
2 It would be preferable to perform this process once only .
3 The main study will focus on four particular courts , but the researchers will be grateful to receive any comments from readers of the Review on experiences with , or impressions of , the system of criminal legal aid .
4 ‘ I should be loth to create more difficulties , but I can not help following a line of thought to its logical end .
5 I said that I believed it would now be right to give some indication of the Government 's attitude to the building of a tunnel .
6 Now , while it would be rash to claim that cochliomyasis ( infestation with the ‘ screw worm fly ’ ) was never sexually transmitted , like most of the other arthropod-linked disorders , such an occurrence must be exceedingly uncommon .
7 Are you going to be sorry to see that boat go ?
8 Nevertheless , if pragmatics is to be considered a component within linguistic theory ( a question to which we shall return ) , it may be that to include such principles is indeed to include too much .
9 It would only be possible to describe these years in such glowing terms , however , if we were to place our curiosity under strict curfew , refusing to allow it to look beyond the frozen images of faded snap-shots or the scratchy surface realities of the official crime statistics .
10 Within the information now available on these same people in adulthood , it will be possible to shed some light on the causes of truancy .
11 Presumably you also believed that it might be possible to negotiate some form of multilateral disarmament in the region ?
12 Moreover , if the approximate position on a chromosome is also known , it may be possible to split that region if an appropriate unequal reciprocal translocation is available .
13 Some forms ( Turrilites ) adopted the helical spire , and were it not for the obligatory suture lines it might be possible to mistake these species for large gastropods .
14 It will then be possible to move any column as a block of text .
15 However , it may be possible to use this dependence to form the basis for short-term predictions of future behaviour .
16 If , at some point , a legal reform , a ‘ crackdown ’ or a relatively abrupt social change , X , takes place , we have It may be possible to use this pattern sometimes called an interrupted time series to measure the effect of X , if any .
17 The implication here is , that a man desists from killing animals out of fear that he may be killing a reincarnated soul , but while it may be possible to draw that conclusion , the principle of identity clearly goes much deeper than that , and in fact it could be said to contradict Tillich 's suggestion since that is no more than enlightened self-interest .
18 It must be possible to receive this material in the format agreed with ICC and to read it into the system without delay .
19 It must be possible to cancel any task submitted to the system .
20 But one of the problems with attacking Trust , I mean it may be possible to envisage some sort of modified Trust with some local input at some stage without the contracting apparatus .
21 It might even be possible to extend this process more broadly across higher education so that there was a national system of accreditation .
22 It may be possible to devise some kind of training programme for certain difficulties to achieve this effect .
23 An implication of the last point is that even when the initial exposure to the stimulus has been prolonged or has involved repeated presentations , it should be possible to detect some loss of the latent inhibition effect over time , provided the interval before the start of conditioning is long enough .
24 In addition , and as a direct result of the restoration programme , it will be possible to visit these churches every Saturday until the end of June .
25 Clearly , it may not be possible to ingather that information within the time after service and it , therefore , becomes of critical importance that the insurance file has properly identified the witnesses , has detailed statements from them and has all the documentary back-up relevant .
26 The reason for it is that resources are likely to be allocated to the individual R D P committees , on probably a per capita basis , and if you do that say with a small R D A like the Whitchurch one , it will just barely be possible to do any projects within that area , given the level of resource you 've got .
27 ‘ We hope it may be possible to get these objects back on loan .
28 It may also be possible to get some idea of the neighbours , and whether they keep two caravans or a motorboat in front of the lounge windows .
29 However , it may be possible to get some idea about the information that was likely to have been used in the recognition studies by simply asking people to describe the films .
30 Would it be possible to have another look at the last provision that the Minister mentioned , which imposes on local authorities a duty to provide sites for travellers ?
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