Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Coelocentesis may also be preferable to CVS for prenatal diagnosis .
2 It would be preferable for Taiwan to be returned to Japan rather than fall into communist hands .
3 It can therefore be argued that , serious as the offence usually is , a policy of non-custodial treatment might be preferable in view of the effects on child victims .
4 Provocative dress and casual promiscuity ( which are by no means the same thing ) may be abhorrent to juries in the southern states of America or to judges in this country .
5 If the demand price is greater than the supply price for amounts just less than the equilibrium amount , it is sure to be less than the supply price for amounts just greater : and therefore , if the scale of production is somewhat increased beyond the equilibrium position , it will tend to return ; and the equilibrium will be stable for displacements in that direction also .
6 What appears to be stable in interpretations of here ( apart from curious usages deriving from long-distance telephonic communication and long-distance travel , discussed in Lyons , 1977 ) is that the deictic centre is located where the speaker is .
7 That could only be upset by pig-headedness in the Gulf or dumb-mindedness in Washington .
8 While subsidiarity , indeed subordination , may be inherent in provisions like the new Articles 126 and 127 on education , which refer to ‘ supporting and supplementing ’ the action of Member States , and indeed in Article 2 of the Agreement on Social policy following the protocol on Social policy in the Maastricht text , which states that the Community shall ‘ support and complement the activities of the Member States ’ in certain listed fields , the continuation in force of existing legal bases for action subject to a new general requirement of subsidiarity raises fundamental legal issues , particularly as to the exclusivity of Community competence , as to the necessity for Community action and as to the appropriateness of Community action .
9 All of them say that the MacSharry plans would be devastating for farmers in every part of the United Kingdom .
10 The effect that that would have on Scottish defence would be devastating in terms of procurement and the employment of people in the armed forces .
11 In this formulation , while working-class struggle and political action may allow the state to act in ways which are inimical to the interests of specific sectors of capital , it is unlikely that any policies pursued will be inimical to capital in general .
12 At almost 50 , he may be nearer in age to Mother Teresa than New Kids On The Block , but he can still drive the pubescent in all of us wild .
13 Or put another way , the economic growth objectives are planned so as to be practicable without recourse to that part of oil and gas production which has been designated a foreign currency earner .
14 Custody of the share certificate is regarded as the essential protection of the lender and it is not clear precisely how continuation of this popular method of providing security will be practicable in relation to uncertificated listed securities on the introduction of TAURUS — short of repealing section 360 of the Act and requiring ‘ account operators ’ to note equitable interests .
15 The unity witnessed over the two days had been greater than he could ever have hoped for , and the remaining morning 's session of ‘ rounding up ’ would , he trusted , be rich in commitments on the part of participants concerning action each would be taking before the important international conference in Switzerland .
16 Some popular TV series can be rich in examples of language functions in use , for instance , because they feature domestic situations such as shopping , entertaining , meeting new people and so on .
17 However there seems to be little of worth in the other characters to hold up against Thersites 's world view .
18 Already by the late middle ages the English were beginning to expect more space and more privacy in their houses than was to be normal in Scandinavia for another three centuries .
19 The absorption of ingested polyethylene glycols ( PEGs ) has been found to be normal in patients with active ulcerative colitis .
20 What is more , we still have to answer the objection that intellectual development can be normal in people with very severe motor impairments .
21 Defence Secretary Rifkind is reported to be grateful for support from the fourteen military minded Conservatives whose confidential letter to the Prime Minister was somehow left lying on a copying machine for a Labour researcher to find , but he is irritated by the leak , an insider murmurs that Malcolm 's notching up black marks for the future .
22 A psychiatrist who specialises in executive stress thought the fencing indicated that the person it protected felt an enormous sense of isolation and betrayal at the hands of people who had failed to be grateful for years of selfless public service .
23 In Hamlin 's opinion , the crucial thing about the result was that others would be grateful to Gloucester for knocking the champions down a peg or two .
24 Major alterations in the seventeenth and eighteenth-centuries covered up the marble and we have to be grateful to renovations in 1904 for the fact that it is now visible again .
25 The time that this timetable motion provides for the Committee stage will be ample for consideration of the issues that the House as a whole has shown it wishes to raise .
26 In other areas , precedent established some years ago in the light of circumstances then may be disputable in relation to the present day .
27 These can be used to pay-in at any branch of your bank , usually without charge .
28 That method can be used to distances of about a hundred light years .
29 This could be used to advantage in the LFA to show how nature ( and landscape ) conservation considerations can be incorporated on an upland farm .
30 The ability to re-position the individual components within the machine space can be used to advantage in any kinematic analysis .
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