Example sentences of "be [verb] over to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Government agencies , local communities and conservation groups have agreed that 24 square kilometres of the former swamp should be given over to conservation and tourism .
2 Mr Tennant said : ‘ In the case of Burnfoot 100 per cent of hill land will be given over to forestry .
3 The Inland Revenue will merely oversee the process under which thousands of properties will be given over to estate agents to lump into the banding system .
4 The edict of Chilperic I tackled a larger selection of issues , including inheritance , dowry and robbery , but above all it legislated on the whole process of bringing a slave to trial by ordeal ; when he was to be handed over to trial , and what delays might be allowed before the king 's legal officer , the graphio , and the local law-men , the rachinburgi , took action .
5 Our collections would be a random sample from the wild cocoa population , to be handed over to cocoa breeders who could screen them for genes that would be useful under their own conditions : a genotype that was susceptible to witches ' broom disease might still be useful for other reasons to farmers in West Africa , where this disease does not occur .
6 The need is for collaboration between users and suppliers of technology working together in the derivation of a specification which can then be handed over to IT suppliers as a requirement .
7 Consider policy should be for all nationals , ie persons born within pre-1939 frontier of an Allied country , to be handed over to Ally concerned This final sentence underlined how keen Eighth Army was by this time to " clear the decks " in its area .
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