Example sentences of "be [verb] out for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If footswitching could be sorted out for these then the covers and pub band scene could well be awash with Marshall S80s .
2 Further quantitative analysis may be carried out for consonant structure , liquid confusion , lengthening , palatalisation and order of acquisition of consonants , although this requires the test to be tape recorded and can be successfully completed only by someone with a sound knowledge of phonemic analysis .
3 The pull-out cutlery drawer can be lifted out for easy unloading .
4 ‘ You mean apart from the cheques to be written out for these accounts ?
5 Furthermore , general elements of policy regarding R&D , engineering development and even management development should probably be separated out for each SBU .
6 Thus women with a high probability of developing such problems can be separated out for preventive therapy research programmes , in an effort to decrease the morbidity and mortality these women subsequently suffer .
7 Yet an argument could be made out for Haversian bone being linked with large body-size rather than thermoregulation techniques .
8 Despite recent insights then , a respectable case can be made out for some form of intervention in some natural monopoly cases .
9 so you 'd be paying out for some more tyres if you do n't have that checked or anything
10 Morland says most of its tenants are meeting the sales targets but those landlords faced with fines say the lights on their pubs could soon be going out for good ..
11 Those born on a Friday are said to be marked out for special piety , which does not mean that they will be pious necessarily ; only that their natures are imbued with that proclivity .
12 In his budget speech Neville Chamberlain had justified a £10 increase in the tax allowance for second and subsequent children by saying that he saw a time not too far distant ‘ when countries of the British Empire will be crying out for more citizens of the right breed , and when we in this country shall not be able to supply the demand .
13 The time limit in Ord. 53 suffers from three major defects : first , the basic limit of three months is too short and may , indeed , be contrary to EC law ; secondly , not even the three months is an entitlement : a case may be struck out for undue delay even if brought within three months ; and thirdly , there is a discretion to extend the time limit on vague grounds , and this creates uncertainty .
14 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
15 Well or at least sorted , maybe they 're the ones that was supposed to be left out for future reference .
16 It is not only a matter of picking the right players — schedules and choosing the right programmes will also be important if we are n't to be fighting out for seventh or eighth place in Dublin .
17 Why should the uterus be singled out for such treatment ?
18 I think at that age one is very concerned to be seen to be similar to one 's peers and hence not to be singled out for differential treatment .
19 I understand the hon. Gentleman 's concern , which is shared by my Department , but I do not think that on reflection he would want the defence industry to be singled out for particular treatment from our other manufacturing industries .
20 Pensioners and the disabled would be singled out for special treatment , whether they paid rates or not .
21 When people hover for a tip , it 's excruciating , says Jon , 34 ‘ I do n't see why people working in certain industries should be singled out for special treatment .
22 The boys queued in sets of five outside the headmaster 's room , each clutching his signed slip and praying he would not be singled out for special treatment .
23 Individual difficulties would be singled out for special treatment : ‘ When a passage went wrong during practice , she did n't mentally beat herself with a stick and get angry , merely went over it again , maybe more slowly or homed in on the particular difficulty that had tripped her up and worked on that . ’
24 However , certain subject areas may be singled out for special treatment in any authority , either for local reasons ( e.g. subject fields relating to local industries ) or simply from a sense of commitment to the public library 's responsibilities in certain areas ( e.g. current affairs , the arts ) .
25 Also the workers felt a certain status and a privilege to be singled out for special treatment .
26 They need not be subjected to obtrusive or distressing questions that may have no relevance to their illness , and no one will be singled out for discriminatory treatment .
27 The principal methods of investigation will be survey and semi-stuctured interview , culminating in the selection of 24 firms for in-depth study , three of which will be singled out for longitudinal analysis .
28 In practice , most people , however good or bad their employer 's scheme , will be contracted out for some part of their working lives .
29 ‘ The smaller ones will be rented out for several Christmases .
30 But , in a third case , the court upheld a Ministerial direction that no money was to be paid out for domestic assistance and the Court of Appeal confirmed this decision .
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